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Harry slowly opened his eyes the next day. His body was sore from being tightly stuffed in his corner. He weakly pushed himself up and saw that Louis was out of the room. He sighed.

He made his way to the mirror and cringed at the sight before him. Deep bruises covered his face and body. His leg had a deep cut in it, the blood dry, but stains of it down his leg. His blood was almost black, but Harry knew it was his blood for a fact.

He limped over to the bed and sat down on it, dangling his feet over the edge. He then laid back and sighed, happily. Finally. He got to lie down. He had been hoping to lie down last night, but Louis didn't want that. That was okay, though. Harry deserved it.

After all, he is a monster. No one likes him and no one ever would. Louis didn't love Harry. Harry knew it deep down inside. Louis hated Harry with a passion, Harry was sure of it.

It's okay, he thought to himself. I understand myself, and that's all that really matters, right?

Harry heard the door open and he turned and saw Louis storm in. Louis slammed the door. Harry remembered that the girls were at school but Louis had a day off. It was Friday, meaning Louis wouldn't have to go back to work until Monday. Harry faced he opposite way.

"Good morning, Louis." Harry said quietly. Louis didn't even look at him. "How are you feeling?"


Harry bit his lip and chewed on it. His lip was a little busted from when he fell on his face, but Harry could deal with it.

"I was wondering if you'd like to cuddle and watch a movie today?" Harry looked hopeful at Louis.

"No." Harry looked down at the floor, sadly.

"Okay." He said quietly. "Sorry for bothering you."

"That's it? You're not going to threaten me?" Harry didn't face Louis. He didn't want Louis to see the condition he was in.

"No. Why would I do that?"

"Last night." That was all Louis said.

"I'm sorry."

"That's not going to fix anything this time."

"I-I know." Harry said. "Can we at least watch a movie? I won't even sit near you." Harry still faced the opposite way.





"I said no." Harry's shoulders slumped.

"O-Okay. I'm sorry. I guess I'll leave then...I doubt you want me in here anyways. I love you." He added the last part weakly. He limped to the door, but a hand grabbed his wrist. Harry flinched.

"Turn around."


"Harry, please turn around." Louis said quietly. He sounded much more vulnerable than before.

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