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Louis had a nightmare that night.


"Louis..." A voice called. But who was it? Louis couldn't pinpoint the owner that called his name.

He then realised his eyes were closed, so he opened them to ease some of his confusion.

But it didn't really help.

All that he saw in front of him was a tall, dark shadow. It couldn't be Harry, since Harry was barely taller than him. So who was it then?

"Louis..." The shadow spoke.

"Wh-Who are you?" Louis stuttered out, once he found his voice. "What do you want with me?" The shadow chuckled.

"You know what I want with you." The shadow had a white grin that creeped Louis out even more.

"No I don't!" Louis trembled in fear when the shadow crept towards him.

"You really don't know?" The shadow asked in disbelief. Louis shook his head viciously in panic. The shadow chuckled again. "I want Harry."

Louis froze.

The king of Hxll! That's who this shadow was! And he wanted HIS Harry.

"No! You'll never get him!" Louis yelled at the hideous thing. The shadow jumped on top of Louis, strangling him and Louis let out a cry.

"Yes I will! You will give him to me or you'll die!"

"No!" Louis sobbed as he struggled to breathe.

"Yes! Do you want to DIE, child?"

"Please, no!" Louis choked out. A door burst open and Harry stormed in. "Harry, help!" Louis' face was starting to turn purple from the loss of air. Harry was next to him in seconds. "H-Harry!" Louis coughed.

Harry turned to the shadow above him, blinking.

"Kill him." He spoke. Louis' eyes widened.

"W-What??! H-Harry!" The shadow grinned.


"Harry, no!" Harry stood there, emotionlessly staring down at him.


Louis screamed.


"Louis!" Louis stirred, unable to comprehend what was happening. "Louis, wake up!" Louis trembled and tried to ignore the voice calling to him. Was it the shadow? "Louis, you're having a nightmare!"

Louis' eyes shot open.

"Harry?" Concerned green eyes looked down at him.

"Oh thank goodness, Louis. You scared me." Louis felt tears on his cheeks. We're those his own?

"What happened?" Harry pulled him into his arms.

"You were having a nightmare." He rested his chin on Louis' shoulder. Louis trembled.

"I was?"

"Yes." So it was just a dream.


"Do you want to talk about it? You seemed pretty upset." Louis ignored his statement and asked instead,

"What time is it?"

Disturbance   //l.s//Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora