Best Friends?(Frank Zhang)

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"Frank I'm bored." You whine to your best friend. He stares at you curiously and you look over to his girlfriend, Hazel. You knew it was wrong to like a guy who was dating your friend, but you couldn't help it. Hazel smiles at you and you smile back.

"You could go help the Hermes cabin. I hear they're going to prank the Athena cabin soon!" A voice shouts from behind you and you ignore it, rolling your eyes.

"We were just planning on going down to the beach later with the Seven. "Hazel suggests. "You can come with us, you know?" You nod but wave your hand.

"I'll uh, catch you guys later." You look at Frank only to turn and head off toward your cabin. You stretch and pop your back, making sure no one is looking before darting beside your cabin and into the woods there. The woods of Camp Half-Blood were your go to place for peace and to get away and not feel like you're a demigod.

Sighing, you lean on a tree and smile upward to the sky. "Today will be a great day and I will cherish it forever!" You say sarcastically to yourself. "That's all I need..." You finish, muttering. Looking back toward the ground, you grabs some handfuls of grass and one blade at a time, toss them up in the air. The trees around you seem to whisper and feel like peering eyes making you shiver.

"Cold?" Someone asks, sitting down beside you. You shake your head before scooting over and facing away from the person. "Are you mad at me (Y/N)?"

You look to the person to see Frank, a look of hurt on his face. His eyes cross yours, searching like. "Frank, no, I couldn't ever be mad at you!"

"Then why did you get away from me like that? I thought we told each other everything, if you're mad just tell me." He says quietly, his face turning a little red.

"It's nothing Frank. I just needed some time alone." You didn't want to hurt the Mars' boy's feelings by being to harsh so you didn't add anything else. With each word you say his face fell farther.

"(Y/N) (L/N) you are a horrible liar, come here." You scoot closer and he puts an arm over your shoulders. "You don't have to tell me what is wrong, but if you're hurting I don't like it. Just... remember we're friends okay?" You nod at his words and he squeezes your shoulder. Maybe you did like Frank, and maybe he had a girlfriend. But if all you could get was best friends.

You'd take it.

I don't like this one. Any requests?

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