I'm Sorry Mr. Kitchen(Will Solace)

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You were vacuuming the bedroom. That's how it started. It was a rainy morning in early August and no one was out and about so you decided to clean. Will had decided to cook you breakfast and then disappeared to the kitchen. You'd just shut off the vacuum when you heard it.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N), hurry!" Will shouted and you heard the beating of skillets falling to the floor. You dropped the cord and ran into the kitchen to see Will furiously swatting at the stove that was now ablaze.

"Will!" You shouted, throwing up your hands. "How the heck did you manage to do that!?"

He continued to try and put the fire out while you started to search the pantry for a fire extinguisher.  Groaning, you hauled it out and blasted it across the wall behind the stove and the stove itself. Will stood in the way and you glared.

"Apparently, you shouldn't leave pork chops unattended while you search for butter for ten minutes." He comments, tossing the rag he was using onto the table. You sighed and set the extinguisher down.

"Will," You said. "You can't just go setting the house on fire."

He glared. "Just help me clean this up." You laughed at his glare and took the skillet off the stove.

"Hey, they're well down." You wiggled your eyebrows and Will rolled his eyes. You chuckled and dumped the food into the trash can while he began to try and get some of the black away from your home.

"I'd say I just about had a heart attack." Will commented and you glanced at him, putting away the food on the table.

"Sure, but how about we just have take out?" You closed the cabinet door. "I don't think we need anything else on fire today."

He nodded and picked up the phone. "Go tell the neighbors that we're okay,  they're probably already starting over here." He chuckled and as if on queue, the doorbell rang.

You started toward the door. How do you put this? You opened the door to your neighbors worried expressions. "Hello! Don't worry, we're fine, Will just realized he'll never be a chef."

Hey, how many of you guys watch Supernatural?


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