You Are My Sunshine (Travis Stoll)

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You sat up, gasping and soaked in your own sweat. You clutched the sheets of your bunk and looked around your cabin. Just a dream... No monsters in camp... No one was awake and you slowly removed your hands from the sheets, running them through your hair and on your face.

You fell back onto your bunk, staring at the mattress above you. Sighing, you closed your eyes and slowly drifted back off.

"Travis!" You screamed. Your voice was hoarse and scratchy. The more you screamed, the more scratchy and quieter your voice got. You were covered in blood and couldn't walk. Connor was fighting a monster close to you, his brother collapsed at his feet, crimson liquid pooling around him, his eyes slowly closing.

You were dragging your way toward them as fast as you could, but it didn't seem fast enough. Connor had the monster done, it was to die any minute if he kept pushing, if he kept fighting. Upon reaching Travis in a heap on the ground, you pull him into your lap. Your vision was blurry with tears and Travis was barley paying attention.

"Travis, hey listen, you can't leave me, okay? We're not ready, I'm not ready." You were choking on tears. "Travis, darling please." His eyes had found yours and you smiled sadly. "You're okay. You're going to be okay. Connor will help you and I get to the infirmary and then we'll be okay. Don't leave me."

He reaches up and takes your face in his hand slowly as if he would fall apart if he moved too fast. And you knew he would. You looked up and shook hair out of you face to see Connor finish off the monster and turn to you. His eyes widened in fear. You look back down to Travis.

He was going to die.

You planted a kiss on his forehead and began to sing, your voice was weak but you did anyway.

"You are my sunshine.. My only sunshine.. you make me happy when skies are gray... You'll never know, dear, how much I love you... Please don't take my sunshine away."

Connor rested a hand on your back and you lifted your head to look at Travis. His eyes stared off to no where and his mouth was partly open. Your breath hitched in your throat. He's gone.

You wake with a start. You look around at your unfamiliar surroundings. That's when it hits you. You're in the infirmary. "It wasn't a dream!" You shout at no one. You rip the pillow from behind you and put your face in it, screaming.

He was gone.


Your sunshine was gone.

I know in America is gray with an a and in England it's grey with an e and I used gray but when I write anything else I use grey...

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