I'll Miss You Pt.2 (Percy Jackson)

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You shoved him though the doors and stood there, watching as they slammed shut as Percy collapsed to the ground. He turned just in time for you to see the horror etched on his face.

You turned around, monsters swarming around you know. Clutching your sword, you raised it and charged.


Percy looked backward to see the doors close and seal him away from (Y/N). His eyes widened and he jumped up as quick as he could, his hurt leg slowing him slightly. "(Y/N)!" He shouted. Tears spilled from his eyes and rolled down his cheeks as he collapsed to the ground again. His leg throbbed and his head ached.

He left her. She was gone. Sealed behind the doors. There was no way she would be able to get out on her own. She was trapped. He pulled as his hair, screaming and shouting at the gods to give (Y/N) back. To let her live and come out of there unharmed. But he knew it was false hope.

"Percy!" A voice shouted but he ignored it, rocking himself and pulling more and more at his hair. Gone. "Oh my gods Percy." They said as they collapsed beside him. He looked over to see Annabeth there. "Where's (Y/N)?"

Percy cried again Annabeth frowned, her own eyes brimmed with tears. "Come here," She opened her arms and Percy laid in them, crying his heart out. Annabeth rubbed his back, praying to let (Y/N) live to be able to get out. She hoped the others would be here soon. They needed to get Percy back to camp.

Percy sat up suddenly. He wiped at his eyes and stood up, looking around at his surroundings. "Come on Annabeth." He said, his tone harsh but the harshness not directed to her. "We're going to Olympus."


You slashed here and stabbed there, sweat running over your forehead and arms. You knew you probably would die here, fighting for your life. You ducked under a weapon and then dashed away, heading back toward where you and Percy had earlier discussed how both of you were going to get out.

You'd lied right to his face. You were getting Percy out and you made sure that happened. He wasn't letting you out. You were letting him out. His face of horror when he realized what you did would be the last image you would ever see of Percy.


Percy stormed up to Olympus and when he arrived he demanded to have you returned to him unharmed. The gods of course, refused his offer. Percy's face hardened and Annabeth saw his muscles tense.

"I am not leaving Olympus until (Y/N) stands right here with me right now." He didn't raise his voice but his voice echoed across the throne room.


You collapsed, your muscles screaming in pain. Your sword skid away from you and you lifted your head up to see a giant standing before you. His ugly face grinned as he lifted his foot. You screamed as he started to bring it down.


Percy fell to his knees as (Y/N)'s body materialized in front of him, screaming and curled in a fetal position. She was worse than he left her. He pulled her into his arms and stroked the hair from her eyes, whispering in her ear. "(Y/N), sweetheart, it's Percy. I'm here. You're okay." She opened her eyes and started to cry, burying her face in his chest and clutching his shirt in her hands.

Percy let her cry and looked up at the gods, mouthing a 'thank you' before looking back down to his beloved and never wanting to let go.

Is this a better ending? :/

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