Possible Forgiveness

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George was sat there with a few people. I was still mad at him so I just went up to my dormitory and feed Garfunkel. George came up.

"Hey." He said leaning on the doorway.

"I ain't talking to you." I said jokingly.

"Oh, c'mon. I saw you had your revenge. I gotta hand it to you, it was pretty good." George said. I rolled my eyes.

"If you weren't cute, I swear I wouldn't let you get off so easily." I said, he came over to me and kissed me. "I took your laundry down so you go get it. I've got to find Cedric." He frowned.

"Why'd you have to find pretty boy Diggory for?" George asked.

"He helped me earlier. I want to see if he's not in trouble because of me and say thanks. You can come if you want." I said.

"I'll catch you later." He said and left the room.

I went over to the Hufflepuff basement and managed to get in successfully and not be sprayed by vinegar. The passageway was really weird, I had never been this far. As soon as I got into the common room everyone stared at me weirdly.

"Uhhh, I'm looking for Cedric." I said, slightly blushing. Another sixth year Hufflepuff reached him for me.

"Hello." He said "You know you're not supposed to be in here, right?" I nodded.

"I've been to all of the Common Rooms. I wanted to thank you and make sure that you hadn't gotten in any trouble because of me." I said. He smiled.

"I got let off with a warning." He said. "I was lucky. Filch was rather angry."

"I'm sorry, Cedric. I shouldn't have bothered you, really. Thanks." I said. A Hufflepuff girl scoffed at me. "Oi, what's your deal?"

"Your boyfriend treats him pretty rubbish and he's helping you." She said. I felt so embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, George has a bit of a temper. I promised it wont happen again." I said, instead they started saying on how I support Harry instead of Cedric in the tournament.

"Enough!" Cedric said. "She's nice. I appreciate her. Come 'ere, I'll walk you out." I blushed. I had to talk to Fred and George about it, they're the same with everyone. I mean, they pull pranks on literally everyone but they had been especially cold towards Cedric since Hufflepuff beat Gryffindor at Quidditch. I rushed to Gryffindor tower and met with George. He had gotten our laundry and placed mine on my dormitory.

"George, can you please lay off Cedric for a bit." I said. He rolled his eyes.

"Why do you even like him so much? He's a Hufflepuff!" I frowned.

"I haven't told anyone this, if it weren't in Gryffindor the sorting hat would've placed me in Hufflepuff, you wanker! I don't mind either! I don't care if he's in Hufflepuff, George. He's nice to me. Stop being so vengeful." I said.

"I'm sorry, Gianna. I didn't mean it like that.. He beat us at Quidditch. But if it means so much to you, I'll lay off. For now." He said. I hugged him.

"Thanks." I said. "You're the best."

"If I didn't have such a huge crush on you I wouldn't let you off this easily." He said.

"Aw, you have a crush on me how cute!" I said taunting him.

"Oh, shut up!" He said and we went back down to the common room.

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