Chapter 2

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I woke up early to the sound of birds singing, today will be my day. I got out of bed and put some bacon in the oven I went to my suitcase and found my 'job seeking' outfit; a navy pencil skirt with a white shirt and a navy blazer with my black heeled shoes I applied a little bit of makeup not wanting to over do it, I pinned the front of my long brown hair up so its not in my face.I almost forgot about my bacon until the smoke alarm started beeping, the neighbours are gonna love me.
It's now 8:30 I am super jet lagged and sleep deprived, I'm basically running off caffeine, oh well. Today is my first job interview at St Mary's hospital, I really want to work here because they have a great trauma unit (trauma was my specialty back in Seattle.) I grab the keys to my black mini and head to the interview. I arrived to the hospital at 9:00 my interview is in 5 minutes, now I'm nervous as hell, I walk through the doors and I am greeted by a receptionist, "-Um hi, I'm Dr Camilla Ba-" She interrupted me mid sentence, rude! "Dr Camilla Baker, we've been expecting your arrival, the chief is waiting for you, up the stairs second door on your left." And with that she returned to her computer, I didn't think they would be so eager to have me, I followed the receptionist's directions and found myself outside the chief's office, it's now or never I sighed as I knocked on the door.

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