Chapter 7

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It's been a week since I was stabbed, today I'm being released, it's about bloody time! Hannah is taking me home, while I've been here she has visited me everyday, I told her that she doesn't have to leave work to see me, but she insisted. Over the week we have got to know each other a bit more, I haven't told her much about my past just that I left the UK to move to America and that now I moved back, she never really questioned it, I think she knows that my past is something that I don't talk about.

I haven't heard from Chris since the day I woke up, I couldn't help but feel disappointed that he hasn't visited, but why would someone like Chris care about me. I pushed out these thoughts because negative thinking attracts negative energy, or something like that.

On the way home we stop at the newsagents near my apartment, I decided to get some magazines to read, as I have been told I have to rests for a few days, one magazine catches my attention, it has Chris and Gwyneth on the cover. I decided to read it: After consciously uncoupling and getting back together  Gwyneth has filed for divorce from the Coldplay frontman Chris Martin earlier this week. Oh my god. This is awful, maybe I will text him later. I bought the magazine and left, Hannah noticed the cover and asked what it was so I read it out to her.
"Oh that's horrible, do you think they will fix it? What if that is why he hasn't visited you?" Hannah was bombarding me with questions, " I don't know Han, I mean divorce is kinda the last thing in a relationship. I guess that could be why I haven't heard from him, I feel terrible. He seems like such a genuine nice guy."  The rest of the journey was silent. When we got back to my apartment Hannah had to leave straight away and get back to work, she said her boss is an arsehole who will fire her if she's late back. I think that's ridiculous why would you work for someone like that?

I went to bed for a bit and tried to sleep but I just kept thinking of Chris, I sent him a text inviting him over the convo went a bit like this:
Me: Hey Chris it's Camilla Baker, I've just seen the headlines about you and Gwyneth I hope you are ok, would you like to come to mine for dinner? Xx
Chris: Hey Camilla. I will be ok, are you sure you can cook? Shouldn't you be resting? I'll come over at 7 if that's ok.
Me: Yeah I'll be fine, I'm never one to follow the rules, lasagne sound ok? See you then my address is, 19 East End ave xx
Chris: lasagne sounds great! See you soon Camilla.
Me: I see what you did there Mr Martin ;) xx
I decided to make myself look presentable I threw on some black skinny-ish jeans and my a head full of dreams tour t-shirt with a wooly cardigan because it's freezing, I put my hair in a messy bun, I put some foundation and mascara on so I looked a bit less tired, I looked at myself in the mirror, "I look like shit." I thought as I started prepping the lasagne.

It's 6:30 now and the food is cooking, I decide to sit and watch the rain outside my window, the sky is dark with big grey clouds the moon is shining behind the clouds creating a little bit of light, I love the November weather. I find the sound of rain calming as it pats on the window. It's now 6:50 and I decide that I might look like a crazy fangirl if I wear a Coldplay tee, I remove my cardigan and put an oversized burgundy jumper on over the t-shirt.

I hear the doorbell ring, Chris is right on time. "Hey Chris, come in make yourself at home, can I get you a drink?" I wander back in to the kitchen with Chris behind me, "Camilla, I'm really truly sorry that I didn't visit you." He looked at the floor as he spoke, "Chris you have a lot on you plate at the moment, and anyway I'm fine." I do  a bit of a twirl gesturing at myself, he laughs. His laugh is so smooth, it sounds really calming. "Do you want a drink? What have I got?-" I bet I look weird asking myself what drinks I have. Meh oh well. I walk over to the fridge, " I've got; water, tea, coffee, cider, sparkling water. You name it I probably have it." I sound so stupid right now. " I would like some tea please, can I call you Millie?" He is so polite, "Sure 2 teas coming up, yeah you can call me Millie." I made the teas and put them on the coffee table near the sofa. I can smell the lasagne I think it might be cooked, I head back to the kitchen grab the lasagne from the oven and serve it on two plates with salad and potatoes, I lead Chris to the dining table and set the plates down. We start eating, it is silent, not an awkward silence though it's a comfortable one.

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