Chapter 48

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Today is my last day at work before I finish for my maternity leave, I roll over in bed to find that Chris isn't there I throw a hoodie on and go downstairs, I quickly grab my phone and take a picture of the guys, it's hilarious, Chris and Jonny are on one sofa sorta cuddling up and then Will and Guy are asleep on the other sofa Guy is resting his head on Will's shoulder, this is how the band have stayed together so long, it's because they are more like family than a band. I quickly make myself some tea and toast and then I drag myself upstairs to get ready for work, I throw on a pair of jeans and a hoodie. Rumour has it that Olivia and some of the nurses are planning a baby shower for me today, what do you even do at a baby shower? I scribble a note for the guys and head to work.

I get to work and quickly change into some scrubs, I go and see Olivia to see how she is and if there are any cases for me, "Hey Liv!" I say chirpily, "Morning Mill, at 2:30 you need to go to the cafeteria, it's a surprise." I nod at her, "What's the surprise? Got any cases?" She shakes her head, "I can't tell you! Nope not yet, but the chief wants to talk to you."  I stay and chat for a few minutes before I head to the Chiefs office, I stand outside his door and knock waiting for him to call me in. "Ah Dr Baker, I was think because today is you last day for a while I thought you might like to think about planning a clinical trial, if you started planning it you might be able to bits of research while your on maternity leave, I'm sure it will get approved you would just have to think of a really good one. But if you don't want to do one then I understand." I take a moment to think, this is a really amazing opportunity,there are so many possibilities but I really want to treasure my time with my baby and Chris, "Well sir, I'm really honoured that you have offered, right now I would like to put that offer on hold, I still have teaching to do and while I'm away I would like to treasure my time, but I will definitely take you up on your offer in the future. Thank you." He chats with me for a while about my teaching hours and about clinical trials. I think I am going to find a surgery to do before it have to go to the cafeteria, I walk to A&E to see if there are any patients.

When I get there I notice a lot of nurses and doctors whispering and crowding round one of the zones, "Hey guys what's up?" I march over to the bay to be pushed away, "Woah who is it? Is it Paul McCartney? Oooh is it Bono?" Nobody laughs at my joke, which is a bit weird, but I swear I can hear Chris giggling, "Guys seriously move, let me see the patient!" They all shuffle out of the way, "Jesus Christ! What happened to you?" I stand staring at the patient my heart literally stops in my chest, I look at Chris sitting casually on the bed, not a single mark on him, "Honestly Mill, I'm fine. Don't worry. I was walking across the road and some guy nudged me with his car." He goes bright red as he tells me this, "Your lying." I grab his chart from one of the nurses, "Bloody hell Chris!" I try to hold back the giggles, I can't believe what I am reading, he wasn't hit by a car, he fucking walked into a post and gave himself a fucking concussion, "How did you manage to walk into a post hard enough to get concussion?" I'm trying so hard to be professional, "Come on its fine you can laugh at me, honestly I didn't want to come but the guy who saw fall me afterwards insisted on bringing me, basically I was running because I had to bring the-" I hear a nurse hiss at him, "Oh yeah, I was running." I glare at the nurse they are obviously trying to be secretive about the baby shower, I mean I heard people talking about it in the locker room.

I take Chris for a scan just to be safe, "I still can't believe this! You'll never live this down." I giggle at him, "Hey you do know I can walk, you shouldn't be pushing this wheely bed," he says trying to get up, "Chris it's a gurney," I giggle, "And if I let you walk and you fell or something then I'd be in the shit." I continue pushing him on the gurney, we get the scans and wait for the results, "What is that?" He points at part of the scan, "It's your third ventricle." He nods like he knows what that means, "Ahhh I see." I laugh at him, "Right so all you scans are clear, I can discharge you now." He insists on getting off the gurney so we walk hand in hand back to the nurses station so I can discharge him, "Right so no walking into poles please, and I am going to prescribe some pizza, it works best if shared with your wife, just saying." I give him a quick kiss and send him on his way. I love seeing him but Jesus he nearly gave me a heart attack!

I check my watch and it's nearly half 2 so I start going to the cafeteria. I arrive at exactly 2:30, Olivia is waiting for me at the entrance, "Just on time! Let's go!" She grabs my hand and drags me into the cafeteria, we walk in and at least half the hospital are here, Hannah is here too, so is Chris, I've spotted his curls but he is 'hiding' I go over to him and ask him how the concussion is, he doesn't find it funny, but I do! I thank everyone for coming and then we start decorating baby grows and playing cheesy games, to be honest I thought it would be rubbish, but it has been hilarious, I didn't realise how nice everyone in this hospital is!

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