Chapter 36

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After the ceremony everyone starts to leave the chapel to go to the reception, that is being held in the restaurant where Chris proposed, Hannah, Guy, Will, Jonny, Chris and I all get in the black limo to go there, we get in and all get a glass of champagne, it's quiet for a moment, I tap my glass and giggle, "I'd like to make a toast, well actually no I'd just like to drink champagne, but thank you all for being such a special part of my life, you guys are my family and I love you all very much, however I might consider disowning you if you get embarrassingly drunk, OK?" We all laugh and clink our glasses together, Chris hasn't let go of my hand since we got in the car. When we arrive I decide to let everyone else out first, because it's really difficult doing anything in a big dress and heels.

We arrive at the reception and a few doctors and nurses from the hospital are here, including doctor Williams, "Dr Bak- I mean Martin, you look lovely, congratulations." He says giving me a hug, " I am very sorry to ruin the mood, but remember Mr Taylor, your patient, well he insists he is your father, and he may be coming here later tonight, he won't be up and walking because of surgery and stuff but he wants to congratulate you, if you want I can get rid of him." I shake my head, tonight will be perfect, he can come I don't care, it's my wedding night, "It's ok he can come. Thank you sir." I nods and walks off, Phil and the guys come over, "Well your officially in the Coldplay family. You look stunning Millie." Phil says cheerfully, "Thank you Phil, I'm very happy to be in the Coldplay family." I giggle, next Guy speaks up, "Millie you look gorgeous." He pulls me into a hug and kisses me on the cheek, I thank him and then Will and Jonny do the same, they compliment me give me a hug and kiss on the cheek then they all go off to the bar.

I go and find Chris, he has his back to me so I sneak up on him, "Hello my precious." I say in my best golem voice, he jumps and turns around, "Bloody hell! You scared me!" I laugh and kiss him, "When is it the first dance?" I ask, he grabs my hands and drags me to the dance floor, "Now!" Just as he says that I notice the band are on stage and he has a microphone, I know where this is going, he wraps his free arm around my waist, I wrap my arms around his neck and he starts to sing Green Eyes, we sway to the song while he sings, I must admit this is perfect. After Green Eyes has finished he doesn't let go, now they start playing an Elvis song, it's I Can't Help Falling in Love with You, as soon as Chris starts singing I get goosebumps up my arms, now more couples join us on the dance floor.

Then suddenly the electricity goes off, it is complete darkness, the sudden power cut makes me shudder, "Well, well, well, isn't this just perfect. You know Cammy this could be us, but well your a slut." I gasp no freaking way, Jake. I swear I'm going to rip his stupid head off. "Oh Jake, do everyone a favour and bugger off." I say, when I say his name I make sure to put venom in my words. "I stick to my promises Cammy, I promised you that you'd see me again. Didn't I?" He sounds very calm."What do you want?" I ask, "You." I laugh at him, "How about no." I say sarcastically, "I thought you might say that, which is why I brought this." He pulls something out of his pocket, my eyes adjust, it's a gun. Shit. "EVERYONE GET DOWN NOW!" I yell, everyone obeys except Chris, "You too Chris." I say, he hesitates but does what I say. I still have my clutch bag in my hand which, as usual has spray deodorant in it, I sly it open slightly, now is the time to put my self defence lessons to the test, I've been going to one a week for I can't remember how long. "Why do you want me?" I say walking close to him, edging my bag open ever so slightly, "I mean don't you think the gun is a bit much?" I notice his posture relaxes slightly, "Yeah. It is a bit much I suppose. I'm in love with you Cam." Stupid moron. "Well how about you put the gun down, so these innocent people can leave, and then you will have me, and we can go back to Seattle?" I turn to Chris, "Millie don't please, why are you doing this?" He obviously hasn't caught on to my acting skills, "Sorry Chris." I try to wink at him but the lights are off so he can't see me. Jake puts the gun down on the table, I edge closer, my hand is on the deodorant, he can't see that because it's dark, "I've missed you Cam." He says, like he actually means it. "I've missed you too, Jakey." I say through gritted teeth. He pulls me closer to him, now is my chance. I swiftly pull out the deodorant and spray him in both eyes before kicking him in both the knees, as hard as I can, he yelps in pain and reaches for the gun, but I am quicker I grab it and hold it up, "Cammy, to shoot someone a gun needs bullets, I thought you were clever." I laugh, "Jakey to knock someone out all you have to do is this." I say as I hit him around the face with the gun, by now I think it is Phil who has got the lights on, I looks around to see who put the lights on, everyone is still there, people are hiding under tables, I look at Jake who is unconscious, "I-I just beat someone up. On my wedding day. What the hell." Chris runs up to me and hugs me, someone is calling the police, "Are you ok Millie?" I nod and nuzzle my face into his chest, "Chris. I told you she was GI Jane!" Guy says chuckling, everyone starts laughing.

I'm still confused about who put the lights on, until I hear clapping, "Well done Jo- Camilla." I turn around and it's my 'dad' and his wife and daughters, "Did you do the lights?" I ask, he nods, "Congratulations you two, you are a very nice couple." We thank him, "Shouldn't you be resting?" I ask, he shakes his head, "I had to see my eldest daughter on her wedding day, even if she doesn't want me here." I sigh, "It's fine you being here, just be careful your still healing." Chris and I chat to my 'dad' for a while, he seems like a nice guy. Eventually the police walk in and arrest Jake. What a day. Even with the Jake thing today has been the best day of my life.

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