Chapter 33

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A/N I'd just like to take a minute just to say holy crap! This story has over 800 views! I can't believe it. Thank you to everyone who has read, voted and commented on this story. Thank you! Enjoy the chapter!

I wake up to the sound of my alarm, I quickly turn it off, I look at Chris who is awake twiddling with my hair, "Good morning Millie, sleep well?" He asks me, I yawn, "Morning, I did thanks. Did you?" He nods his head, "Look I'm going to head to work early, I am planning on doing a lesson today." He props himself up with his elbows, "A lesson?" I nod, "For the interns, crap that's American, I mean the junior doctors." He laughs at me, I can't help but join in, because when he laughs, his whole face lights up, it's one of my favourite things to see this early in the morning. "Did I ever tell you that you have really pretty eyes? They are so green!" I blush, "So do you, where did that come from? It was a bit random." I giggle, "I don't know, I just wanted you to know. Hey listen when you get back from work, get dressed semi formal kind of more casual, I'm taking you somewhere, can you come home from work a little bit early too please." I sigh, "I don't think I can leave early but I'll try, where are you taking me?" "It's a surprise." He kisses me on the cheek, and then on the lips, "I need to get going now if I'm coming home early." I get out of bed and throw a jumper and some jeans on and tie my hair up in a bun, I sneak downstairs so I don't wake Guy up, I don't know whether Jonny and Will stayed or not, I creep into the kitchen and look for some food, I grab an apple and go and get on my car.

I drive to the hospital as normal, I eat my apple as I'm walking up to the locker room, I walk in and it's nearly empty, I'm not that early am I? Oh well. I quickly change into my scrubs, I'm glad there aren't may people in here when I'm getting changed, because well I'm pretty much covered in scars, I didn't do a single one, they are all Mike, and I can remember how I got each one, I always worry that people will judge me for them. I go to Dr Williams' office and I just walk in, "Morning sir, can I do a lesson today?" He shakes his head, "I'm afraid not Baker, there was an attack on the tube train, I'm not sure what happened, apparently there was a guy stabbing people and, I'm not sure about this but apparently there was a small explosion from a bomb, there are about 50 people injured and quite a lot of fatalities, we need all hands on deck today." I nod. It's so horrible that this is happening in this day and age, how can people be so evil? "Ok sir, I'll get down to A&E and start prepping for mass casualties."

I leave his office as go to A&E, as I enter everyone turns towards me, "what's going on?" I hear lots of people ask, no one has told them, "Okay guys! Listen up! There has been an attack on a tube train in the underground, there will be lots of people, at least 50. So I need everyone to work together, assign yourselves to a numbered zone and make sure you have lots of blood and equipment. Let's save some lives!" Just as I finish my pep talk the first few patients arrive through the doors, I see doctors assigning the patients to a zone, it's working really well, I see a timid looking doctor walking towards me, "D-doctor Baker, I need help with a patient it's pretty bad." I try to not look encouraging, I smile slightly, "What have you got?" "A 27 year old male with a large share of glass in his chest, I think it might be on his heart." I nod, "Ok let's go and see him, we will need to run some tests." We walk into the bay and I nearly punch the intern who decided to pull the glass out, she is pulling a big piece of glass out of a guy's chest, without checking to see if the heart is involved, HOW DUMB CAN YOU BE? "Step away from my patient, now!" She quickly steps back without letting go of the glass,  "Are you kidding me? Have you done a chest CT on this man? Have you checked to see if his heart has been pierced by the glass?" She looks shocked, "Is that a no? What the bloody hell were you thinking!" The patients vitals spike, his heart rate is going down and he is bleeding a lot, "Someone grab me a portable ultrasound!" I yell and the doctor who came to find me hands me it, I scan the mans chest, "Bloody hell! He is bleeding into his chest, I need to get him to surgery now! You!" I point at the intern who did this, "You are scrubbing in, so you can help fix what you just did!" And with that we head up to the OR, I get prepped and scrub in and begin.

I manage to repair the hole in the guys heart and the bleeding stops, he is stable, for now. I have told the chief about the intern who pulled the glass out, he told me he will deal with it. Right now I need to go home and get ready for whatever Chris is planning.

I have a quick shower and dry my hair, I leave it natural and I put a really little bit of makeup on, I decide to wear a cropped black floaty top with my dark green mini skirt and my leather jacket, I throw on my chunky heeled boots and text Chris,
Camilla: Hey I am ready when are we going xx
Chris: I'll be two minutes xx
Camilla: See you soon xxx
Just as the text sends the door opens, I go to the top of the stairs to see if it is Chris but it's Guy, "Hey Guy." He looks up at me, "Hey Millie, you look nice, is Chris taking you out?" I blush a little bit, "Thank you Guy, yeah he is." When I have said that Chris is taking me out Guy smiles smugly, what has he got planned? Chris bursts through the door, "Sorry I'm late!" I laugh, "You aren't late are you? We didn't set a time." I walk downstairs smiling, "Have fun you two." Guy says waving us out the door, we wave back.

The car journey is about 15 minutes, Chris is really quiet, "Are you ok? You seem a little off?" He smiles at me reassuringly, "I'm fine Millie, how are you?" He's acting weird, like normally he is fully chatting with me but he is hardly talking. "I'm great, a bit nervous to find out what you've got planned." He chuckles, "Don't worry, we are nearly there." The rest of the journey is silent, until we get to a place that looks really familiar, "We came here on our first date, I can tell your trying to figure out why you recognise it." Oh yeah now I remember, it looks different in the light, when we came before it was dark, "Shall we?" He asks linking our arms together, I nod, "We shall." We head in and have a candle lit meal, it's really nice, except Chris. Something isn't right I can tell, shit what if he is gonna break up with me, like my dream. What if the Jake thing pushed him over the edge? After we have finished our meal, Chris takes me upstairs like he did on our first date, but this time we can see the sunset, "It's so pretty up here!" Chris doesn't respond, I turn around and see that we are not alone, the guys are here with their instruments, how didn't I notice this? I was too wrapped up in the sunset.

"What are you-" before I can finish they all start playing, I instantly recognise the song, it's green eyes! I stand there blushing like a moron, until the song is finished, "What is this abou-" once again I don't get to finish because this time Chris gets down on one knee, he opens a small velvet box, inside it there is a silver ring with one big diamond and smaller ones around it,my head and heart feel like they are going to explode!
"Camilla Baker, I love you, with all my heart. You have helped me through the darkest time in my life, I well I'm not good with saying how I feel, but I just, I can't put into words how amazing and strong you are, when I am with you I feel like the luckiest human in the world, and you manage to light up every room, with just your smile. I want to spend every day of my life, and afterlife with you, so Camilla Baker. Will you marry me?" I feel the tears streaming down my face, "Chris. Yes! One million times yes!" He stands up and kisses me before sliding the ring onto my finger, Jonny pops open some champagne and Will and Guy hold the glasses, they give us both a glass and then pour themselves a glass, "Chris, I love you so much." I kiss him again, "Well Millie welcome to the Coldplay family!" Will cheers, I can't believe what is happening, I am getting married to Christopher Anthony John Martin!

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