Chapter 45

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Every single part of my body hurts. My arms are cut, my face is bruised, my body aches and my legs can't hold me anymore, they are burnt, bruised and bloody. I drag myself up off the bathroom floor, I stare blankly at my reflection in the mirror, why is this happening, I'm only 13 years old. Nobody has loved me yet. I haven't lived. The life I am living, isn't worth living. I could leave, and be gone forever, I could escape. Why can't I make myself do it. I turn on the hot jets of the shower and stand, I try to clean the blood off myself, this is normal, I'm used to it, I mean now it has happened so much that I'm not in that much pain. I sink down into the bathtub and sit with the shower water raining down on me. This isn't right, this isn't life, I have to leave, but I have no where to go, if I stay I won't make it to my birthday, I'll be dead if I stay.

"Shh, Millie it's ok, I'm here." I feel myself sobbing into Chris' chest, his strong arms are holding me tightly, he starts to sing to me, it always calms me, "Through chaos as it swirls
It's us against the world
Through chaos as it swirls
It's us against the world" He sings so effortlessly, he plays with my hair as he finishes the song, I nuzzle into his chest. "I love you Chris." We stay hugging for a while, "Ouch!" My stomach hurts, it feels like- oh no, somethings wrong with the baby. "What is it?" Chris asks, his eyes full of worry, "I think something is wrong with the baby, call the OB her number is in my phone." I sit holding my stomach, I will not lose another baby. The OB arrives after 10 minutes, "I came as quick as I could! Are you ok?" She rushes over to me, "Something is wrong with the baby, it's doing it now! Feel!" I point at my stomach, she places her hand on my 4 month pregnant belly, "Calm down Millie, it's nothing to worry about, your baby is moving, it's kicking." Both Chris and I share a sigh of relief, "I'm so sorry for getting you to come here at 5:30 in the morning. Thank you so much." I hug her and she leaves, "Once this baby is born we are gonna have to get it karate lessons or something, it's got a really strong kick!" I giggle to Chris, he places his hand on my bump, "I can feel it, this is incredible Millie!" He kisses me passionately, "I love you and this baby so much." He says, I hug him, "Hey because I'm up early shall I make bacon?" I ask, he nods, "Is that even a question? How long have you known me!" I giggle and walk to the kitchen to make breakfast.

I'm just putting the food on the plates when a pair of strong arms grab my waist, and spin me around, "Jesus Christ! You scared me!" I slap him playfully, "Sorry, what's the plan for today?" He says, "I have no clue, I just know that it's Thursday." He raises an eyebrow, "What's Thursday?" He has forgotten! "Date night duh! My turn to plan." He groans, "Please don't make me go to another fun fair, because they sure as shit aren't fun!" I giggle at him, last time I was planning date night we went to the fair and we went on the Ferris wheel and he got scared of heights just as we reached the top, and then he had a sulk when he didn't win me a teddy on the bottle stand, and to finish the night he had a sugar high from the candy floss we ate. I will never take him to a fair. Ever. We eat our breakfast while chatting about baby stuff, like decorating the nursery and stuff, "Dress semi formal for tonight, love you. " I say as I hug him before leaving for work, " Ok see you tonight, love you too."

I get to work early so I quickly get changed and go on my phone to book a table somewhere for tonight's date. I get paged to the Chief's office so I quickly go, I walk in, he looks devastated, "what's wrong sir?" He sighs, "Plane crash, I need you to prep for mass casualties, all non emergent cases need transferring to another hospital, it's gonna be a long day." I nod and leave to prep everyone, "Listen up! There has been a plane crash, we are going to be at maximum capacity, all non emergent patients need transferring to the nearest hospital, we need lots of blood and supplies, prepare yourselves people. Let's save some lives!" I go to get some supplies. "Why isn't anyone here?" Interns are asking, "It will take search and rescue workers a while to find survivors, they'll be here." I state, I make sure that A&E is empty for when they arrive, "It's been 2 and a half hours! Where are they?" The interns keep asking me, "There were a lot of people on the plane, they will come, unless there are no survivors." I sit and wait for what feels like forever, Dr Williams walks over, "None? There are a lot of families waiting for answers" He tells me, "None. I know we will get a list of passengers and start notifying families." I sigh, just as I say this an ambulance pulls up, "55 year old male, multiple crush injuries, GCS 6, obvious head and chest injuries, flatlined twice on route, stabilised after CPR." As this is the only survivor everyone is trying to help, it is crowded, so I leave taking 4 doctors with me, I let the general surgeon take this one, I page as many people as I can, there are a lot of fatalities, so there are lots of families to inform, so we need to start now.

Several hours later and I've just told the final family about their loved one, my shift is finally over, so now I can go back to see Chris and lift my spirits, I get in my car and drive home.

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