Chapter 18

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Well I sure didn't see my day turning our like this, first at work, then a home kissing Chris, I can't believe that it happened, since it happened Chris has been acting a bit awkwardly, he left my room after a few moments, leaving me with my thoughts.

I hear the sound of plates clattering and stuff being put on the table, I guess Guy has finished cooking. I throw a hoodie on and sigh before walking to the dining table, we all sit down except Guy who is still putting food on our plates, he has cooked chicken breasts stuffed with mozzarella and pesto, wrapped in bacon with potatoes and salad. It looks amazing, "Bloody hell Guy! I didn't know you were such a good cook!" I exclaim.

We sit in silence for a few minutes eating before the guys all look at me and Jonny says, "Him and Will are the only ones who can cook. How you feeling? Do you need anything?" "I'm fine, chill out. It's no biggie." I kinda wish they would drop it but it's cute they care, Chris scoffs, "Oh yeah the fact that your fucking stepdad attacked you at work is totally fine, yeah not a fucking problem! Why the fuck are you so calm? I'm freaking out more than you and it wasn't even me who he came for." He sounds really angry, he isn't shouting but his voice is raised, I sigh and look down at my plate. Why is he acting like this? "Chris mate, calm down." Will speaks up his voice is calm, "No Will don't you dare tell me to calm down, have you seen here she's fucking broken, she doesn't deserve the shower of shit that life has handed her!" They all look at me after he finished talking. "Chris-" I start, "No Millie. Don't." Fuck this, I finish my meal in silence, "Thank you Guy, that was lovely." I go to my room to put some trainers on, I need to leave and clear my head.

I walk out of my room before anyone can stop me.

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