Chapter 3

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"Come in" I heard a voice say, I entered to be greeted by Dr Williams, I would say he was in his 50s his grey hair is starting to thin on the top of his head, his dark brown eyes look serious his head is covered with frown lines and he has a grey beard not like a huge mountain man beard but just a small one. "Hello Dr Baker, how was your flight? What made you suddenly take up my offer? As a hospital we would be honoured to have you work with us." His tone was friendly, he was not as intimidating as I imagined, "Hi Dr Williams, my flight was smooth I'm just a bit jet lagged, I just decided that I need a change of scenery from Seattle. The honour would really be mine, sir." I can't believe that this hospital really wants me to work here, this hospital is one of the best in the UK. "We would like to offer you a job here running the trauma unit, you will also be required to teach at least 10 hours a week to the junior doctors, you are only allowed to work 80 hours a week and have 4 weeks of holiday per year." Holy guacamole I can't believe this is happening, me running a trauma unit, wow! "Dr Baker?" Dr William's voice snapped me back to reality, "Yes I would love to work here." I said a little bit too enthusiastically. "Great you start Monday, get home and rest. See you soon." I turned to leave "Thank you sir." And with that I headed home to rest.

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