Chapter 22

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*A/N there may be abortion mentioned in this chapter, I will be describing it negatively, however that is how Camilla feels about abortion. Not me I understand how there are circumstances where abortion is necessary. I don't want to upset anyone in this chapter so this is just to let you know. Thanks.*
After the perfect night, we head home, there aren't as many reporters there but there was one that makes both Chris and I freeze in our tracks, "Did you know about Gwyneth's pregnancy?" I look at Chris and he looks like he has seen a ghost, "Come on Chris. We'll sort this out at home, ok?" I say quietly, he nods and I gently take his hand in mine and direct him to the car, "I'll drive." I get in the car and slip my heels off, I can't drive in heels so I'll go bare foot.

We get home and Chris goes straight to our room, woah did I just call it our room, I mean my room. I make us both some tea, and head to bed, I slip my dress off and remove my makeup, it takes me a while to realise I just got changed in front of him, shit he might see my scars, please tell me he didn't see them. I hop into bed and he doesn't mention them, I sigh a breath of relief. "Chris, ring her, I know you don't want to speak to her after she hid this from you, but call her." I feel a wave of sadness wash over me, what if he goes back to her now. I sigh he rolls over and grabs his phone, he selects her name from the contacts, "Do you want me to leave?" I start to wriggle out of bed but he grabs my wrist, "No. Stay, I need you Camilla." I melt under his words and I wiggle back to him, the phone dials and she answers, Chris puts it on speaker. "Chris babe, I've missed you! Do you want to meet up I want you." She sounds drunk her words are slurred. "Cut the crap. Gwyneth, I know you are pregnant." His eyes look glazed over with tears. "Chris. I'm not pregnant anymore and anyway it wasn't yours." The bitch how could she end a life before it began and how could she fucking cheat on Chris! My blood is boiling! "Goodbye Gwyneth. I don't ever want to hear from you again." He hangs up and slams his phone on the bedside table. "Chris, I'm so sorry, do you want to come somewhere with me? It will help I promise, put some clothes on." He nods and gets up and gets dressed. We both wear sweatpants and hoodies.

We leave my apartment hand in hand. I take him to the spot that I walk to when I need to clear my head. There is a woods near my apartment, there is a small clearing where you can see the stars because there is not much light pollution. I had grabbed a small bag and put a blanket in it for us to sit on. We walk there in silence. We reach the clearing and I put the blanket on the floor and gesture for Chris to sit, I lay next to him.

"Chris, tell me what you are thinking." I ask quietly. "I can't believe she, she cheated on me. And she fucking got the baby aborted. What did I do wrong, am I not good enough." His jaw was visibly shaking. I grab both of his hands, "Don't you ever say that Chris, some people are just cheaters, there isn't any thing you could have done to change this. I know it's terrible that this is all happening at once and I know you will feel like your world is tumbling down right now." I pause and look at his eyes, he is crying, "But I promise you that I won't leave your side. Things will get better, this won't last forever, trust me I know. Let me fix you." I swipe away his tears and hold his face to make him look at me, "Please hear what I'm saying, I am not going anywhere." He doesn't respond he just gazes at me sadly, we both lay staring up at the sky before he props himself up on his elbows and stares down at me, "You mean all of that?" He asks me quietly, "Of course I do! I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it!"

He looks at me and hesitates, "Camilla Baker, I think I'm falling in love with you. Every single thing about you. Even the things I don't like, I love. I think we can be extraordinary together rather than ordinary apart." Did I hear that right. "Wait a minute did you just quote fucking Greys Anatomy? I mean everything you said was perfect but did you just quote Greys?" He looks down at his hands, "Um well Hannah told me you love Greys so I thought I'd go for it and hope for the best." He is so adorable. "I love you too, you adorable dork." I feel like a weight has been lifted I can't believe I'm falling in love again after everything that has happened in my past. I guess I just have to trust him and hope he is different. He stands up and grabs my hands and pulls me up to my feet, he grabs my waist and pulls me into a kiss. I feel at home in his arms, his lips feel like I'm dreaming. "Come on let's go home." He says kissing me again.

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