Chapter 30

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Chris and I head home, I have decided that after all of my nightmares I'm going to go to a self defence class, just in case any of them come true, "Hey Chris," I shout from our room, "Have you seen my workout gear?" I yell while rummaging through my drawers and wardrobe, "Never mind found it!" I quickly change out of my scrubs into my vest and leggings, I throw a hoodie on top for the jog there and I slip my trainers on. "Where you off to?" Chris asks as I make myself a quick snack before I leave, I start slicing up fruit to make a fruit salad, "Self defence class, and a run, want to join?" He shakes his head, "I've already been running today, maybe tomorrow we can go together?" I nod while I eat the pieces of fruit I have cut up. Before I leave I give Chris a quick kiss, "I'll see you soon." I half sing, he laughs, "Bye Millie."

I walk out of the apartment and put my headphones in as I run to the self defence class, I have had a few classes over the last few weeks so this one I'm going to is a more advanced and intense class, I find myself listening to The dog days by Florence and the Machine, I'm so engrossed in the song that I don't even realise I have just run into someone, "I am so sorry-" The person turns around, instantly I start laughing, "Shit Guy! I'm so sorry." He chuckles, "How are you Millie? Chris said he was taking you to meet his parents, how did it go?" He seems genuinely interested, "I'm good thanks, how are you? Yeah it went well, apparently they really liked me, which is good I think?" I don't realise but the last bit comes out more as a question, "I'm great, well that's good, they never really liked Gwyneth, so your off to a good start, listen have you seen the papers today?" I chuckle slightly, then I shake my head, "No why?" He shifts uncomfortably, "You made the front page." What? Me on the front page? "It said something like. Introducing Dr Camilla Baker, Chris Martin's curvy doctor girlfriend." I just laugh at him,  "Very funny Guy." He doesn't reply instead he grabs a newspaper out of a plastic bag I didn't realise he was carrying, he hands me it and he wasn't joking about the headline, "I bought it to see what they said about you." I nod, see page 3 for article, I flip to page 3 and begin reading:
The Coldplay frontman, Chris Martin has been seen a few times with an American doctor called Camilla Baker, Baker has only recently moved to London, nobody knows how the two met, but Dr Baker was a top class surgeon in Seattle, it is also unknown why she moved from the states, however she has quickly gained a job at St Mary's hospital, also in the early hours of the afternoon she was spotted getting into an ambulance with an unconscious man, apparently she performed some kind of emergency brain surgery on the patient. We will have more updates as we find out more about Chris Martin's new sweetheart.
"Guy what the fuck did I just read?" This is hilarious, why did they make an article about me if they have no info on me, and I'm not American! "I know, I thought it was pretty random, did you actually do brain surgery on a guy?" Is Guy really wanting the details, "Yeah I did. It was pretty cool." He looks at me as if to say 'carry on' "OK so I got there and he was crushed under a car and he had a seizure and I had to drill into his skull to remove a blood clot." He nods, "That's pretty extreme, I swear you are GI Jane, first stitching yourself up and now doing this, what next?" He laughs, "Anyway Millie, I have to get going now, I'll see you around." "Bye Guy!" I wave and put my headphones in, and continue running to the class.

I arrive at the class a few minutes late, I quietly creep into the back of the room, "Nice of you to join us hot shot!" The instructor shouts as I enter, I can't tell if he is serious or not, "Why you late?" He questions by now all eyes in the room are on me, "It's actually a funny story, you see I bumped into a friend who was telling me I'm in the newspaper." He doesn't look impressed, "50 push-ups now!" He orders, I quickly get down and start, so far this isn't going very well, once I have done the push-ups he picks on me through the entire class, making me do demos and more push-ups. Once the class is finally over I start to leave when I'm stopped by the instructor douche bag, "Why did you join this class?" He asks his voice isn't as harsh as before, "Because I wanted to." I try not to sound  intimidated by him, "Nobody wants to just join this class there has to be a reason, are you getting death threats?" I scoff, "What? I haven't had a single death threat, I joined because I don't want to be a pathetic weak woman! I joined for me. Now if you will excuse me I need to go home."  He seems taken back by my response, he steps to the side and I quickly walk past him.

The run home, is uneventful, it doesn't take long for me to get back. Once I reach the apartment my legs turn to jelly and I nearly fall over, I have over done it, my muscles ache all over. "Yo Chris! I'm home!" Suddenly the bathroom door opens and the smell of lush fills the room, I walk over to the bathroom and there are candles lit everywhere, I look at the bath and it is really bubbly, and the water is a cobalt blue colour, I never really noticed 2 things, 1) the bath is really big it's a corner bath and has lots of room, and 2) Chris is sat in the bath. "This is meant to be romantic, you said it was romantic on Grey's when Meredith and Derek are in the bath so thought we could try it?" He says , he is sat in one corner so I get in at the other side, turns out the bath actually isn't that big and bathing together sure as shit isn't romantic. We end up both getting out after 5 minutes of trying to get comfy, we both wrap a towel around ourselves and laugh, "The thought was there though." I laugh as I give him and peck on the cheek. I quickly go to our room and put my pjs on, and head to the kitchen to cook, I think tonight I want stir fry, I chop all the veg and start making the stir fry, I feel a pair of hands around my waist, "What's cooking good looking?" Chris giggles, "You are such a dork!" I say squeezing his cheeks, "I'm making stir fry." He nods, "It smells good."

We sit down to have dinner. Oh I forgot I'm gonna see if he had read the article, "Have you read the newspaper?" I ask and almost burst out laughing, "Yeah Guy came over with it after he saw you." By now we are both trying not to laugh, "And?" I ask, "It's the most random article I've read in a while." We both burst out laughing, "And I'm not even American." I say in between laughing. After dinner we watch a film and head to bed, all the push-ups have tired me out, I snuggle up to Chris and nod off, into a blissful sleep for once.

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