Chapter 19

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I grab my headphones and my phone and leave before anyone tries to stop me. Is he being like this because of the kiss? It's funny, he says I'm broken and doesn't even the full story, if he knew my whole story what would he say. I don't know where I'm walking I just walk to wherever my feet take me.

I walk for about 30 minutes before my leg stings a little bit, but it's literally nothing compared to some stuff I've been through. I find myself stood at a memorial statue, I take a seat on a bench. I need to cut all my ties to my past, including my mother. I have this necklace on I've had it since I was 5 it is a locket with a picture of me and her, I need to forget. I rip the necklace off, first my mother forever my friend, that is what she had engraved into it, ironic she was only my mother for 7 years then she lost that title by ignoring my cries for help, and the forever my friend part, she never was never will be. "Well Annabelle, it's a shame it came to this, you were such a great mother until you settled for less, less being Mike of course. I always thought you would believe me, that's just another thing I was wrong about, you know I used to talk to this necklace, like you could hear me. Remember me telling you about Jake? Yeah well he is the top of the list of my mistakes. Mike visited me today, at work. Stupid son of a bitch. You know what he did to me? Fucking attacked me in front of the people who are supposed to see me as a professional. Did you send him? How did he find me? I changed my name you know, I'm no longer Joanna the girl who stood for shit. I'm Camilla, from America a kick ass surgeon! Who is sick of her past demons haunting me, I wish things were different, I miss you mum." I throw the necklace in the nearest bin.

Right now I have an urge. To do something I stopped doing years ago. I want to do it. You have no clue. But I will fight the urge like a normally do. I won't fall into that trap again. 

I check the time and it's 11:30, I should head back before all the crazies come out. I begin walking home, ignoring the pain in my face and leg, fun fact tears in cuts are pretty painful.

A/N sorry guys this is story I am currently away from home, I want to keep updating but it might mean a few shorter chapters. Please leave comments and feel free to message me, please vote too! Thanks guys!

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