Chapter 10

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We start the car journey in silence, every now and then I glance at Chris, to see him staring at me, I try to ignore it but I feel the heat rushing to my cheeks. "Shall I put the radio on?" Chris asks, "Sure, there are some CDs in the glove box if you want to have a look." In my glove box I have all my favourite albums; all of the Coldplay albums, a few Beatles albums, killers, fall out boy, and one CD I made that has all the songs I like to sing a long to. "What's this?" He asks, "Oh that that's just a mix of songs I sing to, well not really because I can't sing for the life in me." I giggle, Chris ended up putting Viva la Vida on and when the actual song viva la Vida came on we both start to sing obviously Chris sounds amazing and I sound like I'm strangling a cat. We arrive at the bakery and Chris invited me to meet his band mates, of course I agreed. Today I look like a fan, I have my black jeans on with my mylo t-shirt, combat boots and my leather jacket, my hair is scraped into a high ponytail, I haven't put makeup on today because my skin is irritated from wear foundation.

"You ready to meet them?" Chris asks me, honestly I didn't think I would be so nervous but I'm shaking everywhere I feel like my legs might just fall out from under me any second, I gulp before answering him, "Ready as I'll ever be." Chris leads me into the studio where we are greeted by his band mates, "Phil, Jonny, Guy, and Will this is Camilla, the one who's life I saved." Chris looks so proud of himself, I laugh at him, "You can call me Millie." I say it really quietly, I'm sure they could hear my voice shaking, in unison they all say "Hello Millie." We all chat for a while before my healing wound decides to sting like a bitch. I think the guys noticed because I went really quiet and I'm not talking anymore. Shit I forgot my medication, no bloody wonder it hurt I haven't had any pain killers at all today, I let out a quiet groan of pain and grit my teeth, I'm fine, I keep telling myself. "What's wrong?" Chris asks me quietly without attracting attention, "I forgot my meds, but it's fine it doesn't even hurt." Before I can say anything else Chris lifts my shirt slightly to look at my wound, it feels pretty bad but I'm sure it's fine there's a dressing over it anyway, he slowly peels the dressing off before turning to me looking pale "I-I think one of your stitches has come out, it's bleeding pretty bad." I slowly look down at it, it's not bleeding that much it's only like a paper cut but I probably need to re do the stitch, if I go back to St Mary's they will stop me from working even longer. "Chris, I need you to go to my car and look on the backseat, there is a first aid kit, please get it and bring it to me." I tell him he nods, grabs my keys and leaves.

The others turn to me as soon as the door closes, Jonny is the first to speak, "Um Cam-Millie-" He corrected himself, "Where did Chris go?" He asks, "He just went to get my first aid kit from the car, he won't be long." I smile at them, "Who needs a first aid kit?" At first I don't reply I life my shirt slightly and point to the bleeding wound, "That would be me." I sigh. Chris soon returns, he hands me the first aid kit I grab a needle and the other equipment I need to stitch myself up, I pour alcohol on the needle and on the wound, that's stings like crazy, Chris grabs my hand, "What are you doing? Do you want me to help?" He looks concerned, well actually they all do. "No it's ok, I've had worse, I'm just gonna put a stitch in there." I point to where I need a stitch, I've done this before on myself so it's fine.

I put a pair of rubber gloves on before prepping the needle and in a quick movement I push it through my skin and out the other side and then I do it again at the other side so now it's sewn shut again, my vision goes blurry and I blink it off, I look up at the guys they all look amazed, "What?" I ask, before I realise they have just watched me sew my would up without pain meds, I bet I looked like GI Jane or something. "Did I actually just watch you do that?" Will says he looks like he might faint, "I'm so sorry guys I thought you were engrossed in conversation, haven't I just made a great impression on my favourite band." I feel ridiculous, I look at my t-shirt which is now stained, "You have got to be kidding me!" Right now I'm pretty pissed this is one of my favourite shirts, "What is it" Guy says, "I've stained my mylo t-shirt! This is my favourite!-" I say, "Stupid blood, stupid stitches, stupid medication-" I grumble to myself when I realise that the band are laughing at me, was I saying that out loud? "Are you seriously more worried about your top than the fact that one of your stitches came out?" Phil said while laughing. I feel myself start blushing this is so embarrassing, what a first impression. We stayed and chat for a while before Chris pulls me aside and asks if I want to go, I nod and we say our goodbyes and head out the door.

Lost? Chris Martin fanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora