Chapter 42

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I wake up the next morning, and the second my eyes open dread hits he across the face. Chris cheated on me. I check my clock it's 5:42, I'm going to wake him. He is going to explain this now. I poke his shoulder, no response, I shake his shoulder, nothing. I throw a pillow at him, I hold back a giggle when he wakes up looking adorable and confused, I'm angry with him, but it's so hard, I love him too much, he has hurt me, but I can't help loving him. "What the hell Camilla!" He groans, I sigh, back to formalities, he hasn't called me Camilla since our wedding day, "Get up. Now!" I say as I pull the duvet off him, "What are you doing it's 5 in the morning?" I walk out of the room and go to the kitchen, he follows me, "Explain yourself." I look at the newspaper on the table, I throw it in the bin, "I'm sorry, it's just, I love you. I love you more than anything in the world, you know that right? I had to do it, she made me, she threatened us." He sounds like he is telling the truth, "Well did you record her threatening you? I still don't get why you didn't tell me." I say, I wince in pain when my stomach feels like I'm being stabbed, "Millie, your bleeding," he says, he rushes to my side, I steady myself on the kitchen counter, please don't be happening, I feel tears, "I-I think I'm having a m-miscarriage, take me to the hospital." I cry, I can't lose this baby, Chris stands there looking shocked, "Please Chris." He picks me up bridal style and carries me to the car, tears forming in his eyes, my eyes are burning from the tears and my cheeks are soaked, "I'm sorry Chris." I sob, he doesn't speak he simply drives.

We arrive at the hospital and go straight to the OB's office, we run in both of us have tears streaming down our face, "Hello Dr Baker, is everything ok?" She looks down and sees the blood, "Am I having a miscarriage?" My words come out as a whisper, "Lie down and I'll check." I do as she says, she does a quick exam, "I'm so sorry Millie." My world has just come tumbling down, please wake up, please just be a nightmare, everything stops, Chris is stood, tears in his eyes, the OB is looking at me sadly, all I can do is cry.

"Chris, I'm so sorry." I say between sobs, he doesn't take his eyes off the road, "Stop apologising, this wasn't your fault, we both lost the baby, it can't bel helped. I'm sorry for doing this Millie, if Gwyneth hadn't showed up you wouldn't be stressed, and this might not have happened, if it's anyone's fault it's mine." He pulls into our driveway, I grab his hand and pull him into a hug, "I don't want to lose you, I love you Millie." He says, I can feel him crying, I cup his face and make him look at me, "Chris. We will be ok. We can get through this, I promise. I'm not going anywhere." He kisses me gently, I've missed him so much. I have taken the day off, not by choice, the OB made me, so it's just me and Chris. I grab a blanket and throw it over myself on the sofa, Chris joins me and gets under the blanket, "Once this is over, we will try again, we will have a baby Chris. The timing wasn't right for this one, but when the timing is right, everything will fall into place." He wraps his arm around me and I snuggle up to him, "Millie, I've missed you so much." He says and he kisses me on the the head gently. We are going to be ok. We will get through this.

A/N sorry this is short, I will update soon, this was really hard to write, I might've cried a little while writing. Please vote, and comment.

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