Chapter 43

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A few weeks have passed since I miscarried, it has been hard for us. Chris managed to record Gwyneth threatening him, so there was a lawsuit filed against her, basically we filed a restraining order, and I think she probably paid to not go to prison, or something like that, but hopefully now we can move from the dark part of our lives. I'm on my way home from a fairly good day at work, there was a gymnast who was having seizures, I diagnosed her, so she got the right treatment, and I did a liver transplant, I can't wait to chill in my pjs.

I walk through the door and I can smell food, it smells really good, I walk into the dining room and there are lots of candles lit on the table, Chris is sat down, "Hello love, do you want to go and put your pjs on? The food is in the oven." I nod and run upstairs, I throw on my comfiest pjs and return to him, by now he has put the food on the table, "You got Chinese! Chris you sure know how to make me love you!" He laughs, "Always through your stomach, how was your day?" We sit and eat, chatting about everything, "Do you want to watch a film?" Chris asks once we've eaten, this is so nice, it's like we are normal again. "Can we watch a horror? I really really want to watch the conjuring 2!" I say, Chris finds it and puts it on the tv. After we've watched the film we are both shit scared, "Shall I leave a light on?" He asks, I nod. "Night Millie." I have other plans, and they sure as hell don't include sleeping. "Chris? Roll over a sec." I say innocently, as soon as he rolls over I lock lips with him, I wrap my arms around his neck, he starts to kiss down my neck, he slides my top off, and I pull his off roughly. I love this man, so much.

I wake up early like I do every morning, and I decide that I'm gonna wake Chris up, I kiss him on the cheek, and then his jaw, and down his neck, I hear him grumble, "What time is it?" I don't answer, I simply straddle him and keep kissing him, you can imagine what happened next, "Crap! I need to go to work! I knew 2 rounds was too much!" I giggle, "Sorry Dr Baker..." He says mischievously, I kiss him on the cheek and quickly throw a skirt and top on, then I rush out of the door and head off to the hospital. I make it to the hospital only a few minutes late, I decide to page the interns and do a quick lesson about bedside manner, because most of them are lacking in it.

"Settle down! Everyone!" I shout, they all continue their conversations, "Shut up!" I yell, that got their attention, "Why are you here right now?" They all murmur, "To become surgeons?" One says from the back, "Yes, but I mean right now, why have I paged you all here?" Nobody answers, "It's because I need to take you through bedside manner, and the stuff I thought you would know by now. I'm a hospital there are rules: Respect the nurses. If you want nurses to do something for you, you NEED to respect them, I had a friend who was a lot like some of you, she had no respect for any of the nurses and expected them to do her job for her, does anyone know what they did?" They all murmur to each other, nobody answers, "They paged her for every single case of vomiting, explosive diarrhoea, for a month, until she literally begged them to stop and apologised for days. Now that was at my old hospital, however because I'm as lovely as I am, I told the nurses if any one of you is disrespectful to them they can be in charge of giving you the sickness and diarrhoea cases for as long as they see fit." They all groan, "Well it is easily avoidable, just be nice to the nurses, they do a lot for us." They all nod in agreement, "Okay, next rule: Patients aren't dumb. If you are doing tests or scans and see something you don't like or if you can't find something, and you act nervous or worried, they know. Now that isn't great because then they panic, so if you can't find something or you think you see something but you aren't sure, page someone, we are here to teach you, just explain to the patient that you are new and you aren't sure if your reading it right, do NOT cause panic." They all share glances at each other, "And finally if you get put on my service,  I have five rules. Memorize them. 
RULE NUMBER ONE: Don't bother sucking up. I already hate you, that's not gonna change.
RULE NUMBER TWO: You have pagers...The nurses will page you and YOU answer those pagers on a RUN!
RULE NUMBER THREE: If I'm sleeping DON'T wake me unless the patient is actually dying.
RULE NUMER FOUR: When I get there the Dying Patient better not be dead when I get there.
RULE NUMBER FIVE: When I MOVE - YOU MOVE! " I feel myself trying not to laugh at the fact I've just quoted Grey's, I mean they do kind of apply. "Today on my service I have, Richards, Morgan, Dickinson, Wilson and Walker. Everyone else go and save some lives."

Everyone leaves, leaving me with 5 interns who look petrified, "I'm not gonna bite, so today we are in A&E, I will page you if there are any big cases, page me if you get something surgical, or if you need help, remember my rules and we will get on fine. Let's go." I say as I start heading out of the briefing hall, they all follow like lost puppies, we walk into the A&E and is it dead. There are literally two patients. I'm not kidding, "What's the point in us being here? It's empty." Wilson says, the others nod, "There is no such thing as an empty A&E, I mean you can leave and go elsewhere, or you can help with this." I point to the ambulances pulling up outside, "Double decker bus, tried to get under a bridge half its height, lot of injured, but I mean it is empty so you can go if you want." I say the last part with intense sarcasm, damn when did I get so sassy, I mentally giggle. I grab myself a patient and head to a numbered zone, surgical. Whoop! I head up to surgery leaving another surgeon supervising the interns.

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