Chapter 34

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*5 months later*

It is a beautiful day. The summer sun is shining through the gaps in the trees, tomorrow is the big day, the day that Chris and I have been waiting for, I need to go and get my dress. "How is your day going so far?" Chris asks, we are sat outside the hospital having lunch, I feel bad because the band postponed the tour until after the wedding, I still haven't figured out why, I'm sure they have their reasons, "It's got a lot better now that your here, listen I need to get going, there is a trauma on the way it's 15 minutes out." He gives me a hug and a quick kiss. "I'll see you when you get home, love you." He says before leaving, I make my way to A&E, it is chaotic, just how I like it. I quickly find myself a patient, I have a male in his 50s he was in a motorbike accident, he wasn't wearing leathers, so his injuries are a lot worse, I run neurological exams in the trauma bay, I notice he has these bright green eyes, they remind me of my own, they are striking, "J-Jo." I hear the guy try to speak, "Ok sir, I know you are in a lot of pain right now, we are going to do some quick tests and then we will take you up to surgery, I am going to give you something for your pain." I keep my voice calm, I page the plastic surgeon because my patient has severe burns from the friction, I take him for the necessary scans and head to the OR.

Judging from his scans he has a lot of internal bleeding so I am going to page the general surgeon to assist, also I will page neuro just to be safe. I scrub in and go into the OR, and as a team we all begin working to save this man's life. Dr Bailey, the general surgeon and I work to repair the internal injuries, while Dr Jackson and Dr Reed work on his brain and his burns. 4 and a half hours later we all leave the OR, bloody exhausted, luckily the guy is alive and should hopefully make a full recovery. I go down to the waiting room to talk to the family, "Mr Taylor's family?" I ask as I enter the room, it is really full, a woman in her fifties and two younger women stand up, one looks familiar, "That's us." The older woman says sadly, "Well I have good news for you," all of their faces light up, "Mr Taylor is out of surgery, he is alive and should make a full recovery, we have all worked to repair his internal injuries and burns, I can take you to see him if you like." They all nod in unison, I lead them up to the ICU, as we are walking up the older woman grabs my wrist, "Jo, you are the spitting image of your father, I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have said anything. It's just we saw you on the news with that guy you are dating and well your dad knew it was you, but you have changed your name, why? I think you should speak to him when he wakes up." I knew I recognised one of the younger women, and I knew I recognised the patient. I stare blankly at the woman, "I am sorry, however that man in there is not my father, he was at one point in my life, but all he was is the man who poured my cereal in the morning and the man who left us for another woman, which I am guessing is you, am I right?" She looks down guiltily, "I don't owe that man a single thing. You come here and talk to me like this, when I have just spent 4 and a half hours standing trying to keep him alive, you have no right. He is not my father. And don't ever call me Jo again." I say coldly, how dare she. I don't even know her. I leave them in his room for their reunion.

I quickly check on all of my patients, including my 'father' unfortunately for me, he is awake and talking, "Jo, I am sorry. I truly am, I am proud of you, look at you, you are one of the best surgeons in the country. I knew it was you when I came to see Mollie that time." I don't reply, I check his vitals, his pain levels and do a quick exam, "My name is Camilla Baker, not Jo. Sorry doesn't change anything, if you had fought for us then I wouldn't have been ab-" I bite my tongue. SHUT UP MILLIE. SHUT. UP. "You wouldn't have been what?" He asks, "It doesn't matter anymore." I swallow the lump in my throat. I blame him. I really do, I mean think, if he had stayed, 'mum' would never have met Mike, so I wouldn't be covered in ugly scars from him, but I wouldn't have gone to America and I probably wouldn't have met Chris, but still, he should've fought for us, for me. "Tell me." I shake my head, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything. It was unprofessional." I say and I leave the room.

My shift has just finished so I need to go and get my dress and Hannah's dress, I will be getting ready with Hannah at her house, the 'Seattle Squad' aren't invited, for 2 reasons, the first being that they told Jake where I was and the second being it is too far to come for one day. It is going to be small, just: Me, Chris,Hannah, the rest of Coldplay, Phil and Chris' family. It makes me laugh Chris has 3 best men and I have 1 bridesmaid, shouldn't it be the other way around? I am so happy that after tomorrow I can call myself Mrs Camilla Martin, it has a nice ring to it doesn't it? I get the dresses and quickly drop them off at Hannah's, I stay for a glass of champagne, then I head home. Chris and I bought a house together, it is stunning, there are 2 spare bedrooms, and ours, 2 bathrooms, a music room and then a kitchen, living room and a dining room. It is on the outskirts of London, so it isn't as busy, the journey to work is longer but, it is so worth it. I get home and walk into our room and collapse on the bed next to Chris, he is asleep, "Oh Chris, I love you so much, don't ever change." I kiss him on the cheek and get into the covers, I quickly drift off to sleep.

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