Chapter 39

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*9 weeks later*

Today Chris and I are going to have the first scan, I'm really excited, I mean there won't be much to see, but we will get to hear our baby's heartbeat, I'm at work and Chris is going to meet me here at 12 for the scan, so I can have it on my lunch break. Luckily the morning sickness has gone, well it only happens every now and again, which I'm glad about.

I have just done all my rounds, and checked all of my patients, I've discharged 5 post op patients, and I've scheduled some surgeries on non emergent patients, I think I should prepare some lessons for the interns, I go to a free conference room and start making notes of what to teach, I check the time it's 11:57 I better start going for lunch, so I can meet Chris and get to the appointment. I grab us both a sandwich from the cafeteria, and a fruit salad to share, I go to the car park to meet Chris, I see him walking over, I go up to him and hug him, I kiss him on the cheek, "Shall we head in?" He asks I shake my head, "Nope we are going to have lunch first, the OB/GYN is running behind she told me we have an extra 10 minutes." I say, "I got us these," I show him the food in my hands, "Let's go find a bench to sit at." He says, we walk hand in hand, he has really warm hands, they make you feel safe, just being in his warmth washes away all of my worries and nerves, we eat our lunch and chat about our plans, Chris says tonight is takeaway Tuesday, I can't argue with takeaway Tuesday, "For Goodness sake! We had curry last week! I want Chinese or pizza! P" I protest, Chris shakes his head, "Nope. We are getting curry." I think for a moment, "I get baby vote!" I blurt out, he looks puzzled, "Baby vote?" I nod, "Yup I have a tiny human inside me, and the tiny human doesn't want curry tonight, tiny human wants Chinese or pizza." He laughs, "Ok we will get pizza." I smile, "Thank you Chrissy." He rolls his eyes, "Don't call me Chrissy, my mum called me it as a kid." I laugh, "Okay Chrissy, let's go it's time for the appointment." He sighs, "I shouldn't have told you that." I giggle, "Come on."

We walk into the exam room, I get on the bed and Chris takes a seat next to me, the OB walks in with an intern scurrying behind her, "Hello Dr Baker, today we are doing your 12 week scan, do you mind if my intern does the scan?" She says, her voice is very soft, I nod, the intern puts the jelly on my stomach without speaking, I shiver, I look at the intern's face, to see that all the colour is completely gone, "Umm can you look at this, I can't find a heartbeat." He whispered to the OB, I look at Chris and he is panicking I can tell, "Chris don't worry, he probably wasn't looking properly, calm down." He takes my hand and squeezes it, the OB quickly takes over, her eyebrows furrow, she moves the ultrasound around my stomach, "Dr Baker, I can find you baby's heartbeat, I'm sure it's just hiding so don't worry." My stomach sinks, I look at Chris who looks heartbroken, "Chris, it's ok don't worry." I try to comfort him, "Aha your baby was playing hide and seek, I found the heartbeat." I sigh a breath of relief, so does Chris, "See told you, nothing to worry about." He smiles at me, we listen to the heartbeat for a few moments, it is a truly magical moment, Chris looks like he might cry of joy, we leave the exam room, "How was that?" I ask, "I was bloody scared to be honest Millie, I thought we lost it." I hug him, "I know, me too."

We chat for a bit until we are interrupted by my pager beeping, I sigh, "See you tonight, I love you." I say as I kiss him, we say our goodbyes and I walk to the A&E department to find out why I was paged, I'm greeted by Olivia, "How was it?" She asks, I fill her in on the scan, "I bet that was awful!" I nod, "It was!" She then fills me on the patient on their way, it's a rugby injury, just a few broken bones, nothing too major. As soon as the ambulance arrives, I get to work on getting the injuries scanned and checked before putting them into casts, I finish after about an hour, I check on all of my patients and go back to lesson planning,

I leave work at the usual time and head home, I drive home humming along to the radio, I have even stopped at a shop and got us a film to watch and some sweets, as it is takeaway Tuesday, I pull into our driveway and there is a car I don't recognise in the middle of the driveway, I wonder who Chris has invited round. I grab my stuff, I haven't got changed out of my scrubs because to be honest they are comfy and I couldn't be bothered, and I walk inside. I nearly faint when I see who is sitting on my sofa, so this is who the car belongs to.

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