Chapter 47

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"C'mon Chris! We need to go!" Today is my 20 week scan, I'm really excited we don't know what we are having, Chris is positive it's a boy, but I'm getting baby girl vibes, everything is ready for the baby, the nursery is decorated cream and has random doodles that Chris, Hannah, the guys and I drew, we thought it would be cute to all help design the room. We have all the furniture; the cot, nappies, clothes, cloths, blankets and lots of teddies. In the months since I found out about my mother I have started getting to know my dad, we've had coffee and lunch a few times, actually Chris and I are meeting him after the scan, "Chris get your ass in here! We need to leave now!" Chris comes shuffling in, "Sorry, let's go!" We quickly rush into the car and set off, we arrive just on time.

We sit in the waiting room, and wait until the OB calls us in, she calls us through and we walk in hand in hand. I get on the bed and lay there with Chris holding my hand, "Holy shit!" Both Chris and the OB look at me, "Are you ok?" Chris asks his eyes look full of worry and dread, "Yeah I'm fine I just really really really want chicken nuggets and a mcflurry, oooh and chocolate, and chips!" They both laugh, "Bloody hell Millie! You scared me! We can get some on the way home." Chris chuckled, the OB, Louise, put the jelly on my stomach and started the ultrasound, "Now if you look here you can see the feet," she said pointing a the screen, "And there's the head, and it's hands are there." Seeing my baby gives me this amazing sense of pride, I feel my eyes watering and I look at Chris, "That's our baby Chris!" He took my hand, "I know! I love you." We sat looking at our baby wriggling on the screen for a while, every time we come for a scan it leaves us both on the verge of tears, I just can't wait to meet our baby.

After the scan we make our way to the café we are meeting my dad at, we arrive and see him sitting at a table reading the papers, a cup of tea on the table on front of him, we both wave at him and join him at the table, Chris and I decide to get some food and I head in to order the drinks, I'm having a green tea and Chris is having tea, I get the drinks and take them to the table, "So dad, how are you?" He puts his newspaper down, "I'm good, how are you both? We make small talk for a while then once the awkwardness has passed we talk about the baby and just general stuff. "He is a strange man isn't he?" I say to Chris as we get in the car, "I think he doesn't know how to talk to you, I think once you get to know each other it'll get better." 

We arrive home and Chris goes to get me some chicken nuggets and chips, I love him so much. These pregnancy cravings are killing me! I don't even like chicken nuggets, well not that much anyway, I decide to get comfy on the sofa and put a program on for a bit, I feel my eyelids fall heavy and I drift off to sleep. I'm quickly woken up to the sound of the door opening, it is followed by a few voices talking, sit up in a panic, I run silently into the kitchen and grab a rolling pin, I duck behind the island in the centre of the kitchen, "Millie? Where are you?" I hear a voice say, I instantly relax its just Chris, "Jesus Christ! You scared me!" He laughs and walks into the kitchen, "I invited the guys over to chill for a bit, is that ok?" I nod and we go into the lounge, my hair is scraped up into a messy bun and I have my pyjamas on, at one point I would be flapping because Coldplay are in my house and I look like shit, but now I see them as my brothers and I am comfortable to look shit in front of them, "Hey guys! How is everyone?" I say as I plonk down on the sofa I squeeze in between Chris and Guy, the bag of chicken nuggets and chips firmly I my hands, "Does anyone want a chip?" I offer everyone them, "Can I have a chicken nugget?" Guy says reaching for the bag, "I wouldn't do that if I were you Guy." Chris says chuckling, I pull the bag from his reach, "You can have half a nugget." He pouts at me, "No fair! It's a sharer box for a reason!" I sigh and open the box for him, Chris looks at me, "Well how times have changed! I was expecting you to kill him to be honest Millie." He laughs, "Nah I couldn't kill a member of my favourite band, too much effort." I giggle, "Ooooo! Chris give me your hand!" I squeal, he looks at me confused for a second and then gives me his hand, I snatch it and put it on my bump, "Can you feel it?" The baby is kicking like mad, he nods, quickly the guys all move closer to feel the baby moving, I find myself chilling with four grown men all sat with a hand on my stomach cooing over the baby, "Mill, put your hand here, I think it's got hiccups." I put my hand where Chris said to put it and every few seconds I feel the baby jolt, aw it has hiccups.

The guys all crack open some beer, I miss being able to drink alcohol, they have all had two bottles so I'm assuming they are staying here tonight. We all sit chatting until I decide to head off to bed, "Night guys! See you in the morning!" They all say goodnight in unison, and I go up and fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.

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