Chapter 5

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After about half an hour both Hannah and the pizzas arrived, I still had Coldplay on as loud as my phone would go, Hannah looked at me like I was on drugs or something then in a fangirl squeal she said "There is no freaking way you are listening to Coldplay! They are only my favourite band in the whole universe!" I burst out laughing at the high pitched squeal she made, after I had calmed down I told her that I love Coldplay too, we started getting ready but I didn't know what to wear because I have never ever liked my body I'm not fat but I'm not thin I'm a really awkward size that's kind of in the middle of the scale so generally going out causes wardrobe drama. I decided on a flowery colourful skater dress that was really flattering, it makes my chest look pretty good and my waist looks small then where my body turns into a potato the dress flares out in the skirt so this dress is pretty much as good as I'm gonna get, I left my hair natural from washing it so it is really curly and long it looks like I've curled it, Hannah then did my makeup she used a really glittery gold colour that made the green of my eyes stand out she did a natural smokey eye and, mascara with a light pink lipstick. Hannah was wearing a really pretty bodycon dress that hugged her curves she was really confident in her own skin and I admired her for this, I offered to do her makeup but she said she is really picky about how she wears makeup so I left her to it, it was about 10 when we got a taxi from my house to the club. We arrived and the club was packed even though it isn't very late, me and Hannah ended up splitting up after a few hours, I decided to head to the bar and get some shots, I did a few shots and instantly regretted it because when I'm drunk I'm a dancer even though I can't dance for the life of me. I make my way to the dance floor and begin dancing, just kinda swaying a bit with a few twirls now and again.

I felt a bit sick and needed to use the loo so I head off the dance floor to the toilets, I fix up my makeup and hair and check the time it's 12:42 am so I decide to head out, I exit the toilets to be greeted by a tall, sweaty man, he isn't really that tall because I'm 5'11 so I'd say he is about 6'2. He grabbed my wrists and pushed me against the wall he looked a lot older than me probably mid 40s. I squirm under him that's when I hear him unbuckling his belt, this is not happening, I try and kick him where it hurts but he blocks my kick and punches me hard in the face, I try to scratch him with my nails, but it doesn't seem to be having any affect on him "Stop making this harder than it has to be." His voice was croaky. I kicked him in the shin then managed to bring my knee up to his family jewels, he groans in pain and curses at me, he hits me in the stomach but this time it really really hurts I hold my stomach as I slide to the ground, I think I can hear someone coming, the guy runs off back to the dance floor.

I remove my hand from my tummy and see blood, lots of blood it takes me a while to realise but this is my blood, holy crap! He stabbed me. I can feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins so I get up and head to the loos to get something to hold my injury with the person who I heard coming runs to me to help, all I see are his electrifying blue eyes then I pass out. I wake up again still in the same place, "Pass m-m-me a p-p-phone p-please." I groan, I am handed a phone, finally. I dial 999 and wait for an answer "999 what's the emergency?" I think more adrenaline is kicking in because it's not as painful and I manage to speak to the 999 operator, "I have been stabbed in my lower abdomen, my pulse is-" I pause to feel my pulse, "My pulse is faint and slowing, I think I've lost a few units of blood, I don't know if any organs are involved." I blurt it out fast, but I think it could be too late for me. I drift back into darkness.

Lost? Chris Martin fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن