Chapter 24

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I can't believe that everyone got together to organise a party for me, and I can't believe that my friends from Seattle came all the way to London for me, it makes me realize how much I miss them, they were my family, we started out together as interns and rose to being attendings together. They are here for a week so I have called Dr Williams to see if I can have a week off, Chris and the guys are going to be planning their tour at the studio this week, he was saying that he wants to take me with him on tour, but I don't think I can get that long off work, but he told me they will have breaks in between parts of the tour, so I can see him then hopefully.

Today I am going to show my 'Seattle Squad' around London, they insist on being called the Seattle Squad, I have no bloody clue why. I take them to a small restaurant that is a five minute walk from my house, we get a table and order, I order a chicken Caesar salad, they all get pizza, some things never change. The waiter brings us our food, we all talk about what has happened since I left and stuff, "You know Millie, Jake has never been the same since you left, I really think he cares about you." Meredith says, when she mentions Jake I shoot her a glare that pretty much says shut the fuck up, but she ignores it, "Mer, I thought I told you that I don't care about him anymore. Our entire relationship was fake, he had a wife, he thought it would be ok to not tell me about her for the entire time we dated, who does that? So Meredith. I. DO. NOT. GIVE. A. SINGLE. SHIT. ABOUT. JAKE. SMITH." As I get to the end of my rant I feel so fucking angry, I bet they only came here to talk me into moving back, "I'm sorry, excuse me for a minute." I say as I go to the bathroom, I can't believe that they would come here and start talking about Jake, the one who broke me, anyway would they want me to go back when I am finally happy, my life is just going well so why would I leave this behind for Jake? I want to leave how can I, I will use the hospital excuse.

I leave the bathroom and walk up to the table the guys are sat at, "Here is some money for a taxi and I assume you have money for the hotel, you guys are my oldest friends and I love you, you are my family, but if you are going to keep bringing Jake up, well I just can't, I am finally happy so please just be happy for me, I'm sorry for acting the way I did. I need to go to the hospital, I will meet you all somewhere tomorrow, I will call you tonight. Goodbye." As I am walking out of the restaurant I hear Alex talking to Mer "For God's sake Meredith! We agreed not to mention him!" I didn't wait to hear her reply.

I get in my car and decide to go to the hospital, I walk in and see the OB from yesterday, I ask her how the patient and baby are doing she tells me that there were some complications with the baby, but she managed to save the baby. I go and put my scrubs on and head to A&E to see if there are any cases I'm needed on, when I arrive I notice a face near the nurses station that looks oddly familiar I decide to go and see who it is, "Excuse me sir, do you need help finding somewhere?" He looks at me and all the colour in his cheeks fades, his dark brown hair has some grey patches and his green eyes are striking, he looks like he is in his mid 50s, "Jo?- Is that you?- No it can't be, never mind." When he calls me Jo it registers to me, why i recognise him, this man in front of me is my father, I just hope he won't recognise me, "I'm sorry sir I'm not sure who Jo is, do you need me to help find her?" He shakes his head, "No, I don't think I'll ever find her, I'm looking for Mollie Taylor, she's my daughter, she just had a baby yesterday." He has another daughter, I have a sister that I never knew about. "OK sir the maternity wing is straight through those doors over there and it's the second door on the left." I point to the doors, he nods and hurries off, it's good to see he gives a shit about his other daughter.

My dad, was someone I didn't ever really know, he cheated on my mum when I was really little. I would sometimes visit on weekends, but one day I visited but he wasn't there, his entire house was empty, he left. I was really upset, but I had my mum so I got over it, he never really cared about me, he never knew me, so in theory he never would've recognised me right? I have changed a lot since I saw him last, but there are some things that stayed the same, like my button nose and my bright green eyes, I wouldn't have thought you would be able to tell it's me after 25 years of not seeing me. Its funny how the brain works, you can sometimes remember things that you haven't seen in years, just like you can forget the bad times in your life if you try hard enough, no matter how hard I try I will never forget the hard times that were my childhood.

I want to see Chris, I miss him. I text him to see when he will be back from the studio, he replies saying he will be 10 minutes, so I head home to see him.

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