Chapter 11

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Once we get in the car I start asking questions,
"So, what do you want to do now? Do you want to come back to mine? Do you need to get some stuff from yours? Do you want to go home?-" I feel like I'm on top of the world I am friends with Coldplay! "I was thinking, could I stay at yours for a while until the reporters die down? We need to get some stuff from mine, is that ok?" He asks, even if I didn't want to say yes I literally couldn't say no to him he's just so perfect, what am I thinking right now he's going through a divorce, stupid brain. I nod in answer to his questions, we drive to his. He quickly sneaks through the back door to avoid reporters, he returns after 5 minutes with a duffel bag over his shoulder. He puts the back in the back of my car and we drive back to mine.

When we arrive home I decide to get rid of all the clutter in the music room, I grab a bin bag and start throwing stuff in, after 10 minutes the messy room is now all tidy and Jake free, it looks like a music room. While I was doing the music room Chris was on a run, I think he needs time to clear his head.  I sit myself down on the piano stool and begin to play The Scientist, as I get the the verse I find myself singing quietly.
              You don't know how lovely you are.

I get halfway through the chorus before I notice Chris is stood at the door singing along with me, instantly my face heats up and I stop playing, "why'd you stop?" He walked over and sat beside me on the stool, "Because I can't sing." I do my awkward, nervous laugh, "But you really can Millie, stop doubting yourself!" Well I feel awkward now, he must be having a laugh if he thinks I can sing! "Oh and I really like what you've done in here." He says before going for a shower. "Chris?" I knock on the door he's been in there for a while, "Chris, are you ok in there? Do you want a takeaway? I'm thinking Chinese?" No response, "Yo Chris! Don't make me knock the door down, I really like this door!" I hear some shuffling inside, this is just like last night! What is it with people locking themselves in the bathroom! He opens the door and the man standing in front of me looks like a wreck, his blue eyes are dull and bloodshot, his whole face seems dull. "What's wrong Chris?" I say pulling him into a hug, at first he tenses up before returning the hug, "So it's over, this time I know it's gone." He looks at me sadly, "Takeaway and ice cream?" I ask that normally helps me, he smiles slightly before nodding.

Our takeaway arrived and we got comfy on the sofa, "Are you ok Chris? Like really ok?" I'm worried about him, "I just, I don't know, we worked through our issues before, but now she's just given up completely. I could ask you the same thing Miss Baker." He looks at me with a cheeky spark in his eye, "Pft this isn't about me! Last night was about me, besides there's nothing to tell." I looked down at my food. "Of course there is something to tell 2 out of your 3 nightmares were about your childhood, why? And why did you break up with the guy in the pictures?" I tense up, I can't let him in, I keep telling myself. "Both of those things are in the past, maybe one day I will tell you but right now it's too soon." I sighed and took both of our plates to the dishwasher, I grab the tub of ice cream and 2 spoons and return to the sofa, we it in silence for a few minutes just eating the ice cream before Chris spoke up, "You know Millie, I promise I won't hurt you, break your walls down and let me in." His eyes were begging me, "it's my first day at work tomorrow, so I'm gonna hit the hay."

The same thing as last night happened, I had nightmares of being abused as a child, and had the same dream of Chris at my bed saying I should be dead, Chris woke me up again and slept in my bed cuddled up to me, his arm around my waist, his breath on my neck and our breathing completely in sync.

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