Chapter 9

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I am stood in my old childhood home, my stepdad is there. I look at him and see the he is towering over me he has a pan of boiling water in his hand, he grabs my arm and pours the water over it, but I don't cry, I feel all the pain but I don't cry I simply grit my teeth. Now I'm stood in a hospital, there is a 12 year old me on the bed, both arms and legs in casts, and a large cut down my body, "how did this happen?" The doctor asked, before I could answer my stepdad waltzed into the room, "she fell". Now I'm in a room it looks like my bedroom and Chris is stood in front of me, he looks disgusted, "how could you?" His words are laced with venom, what did I do? "I wish I had never saved you in the club, you deserved to die." The words echoed, maybe I wish he hadn't found me, maybe I should've died.

"Millie! Millie wake up! Wake up! It's ok you are ok I'm here." I feel a strong pair of arms lift me into a hug, I wake up, "Chris? What happened?" My face is wet and so is my pillow and Chris' shirt "I don't know you were crying really loud so I came to see if you were ok but you were asleep," not again, they've started again, I used to have nightmares every night for years then I met jake me they went away but now they are back. "Do you want me to stay with you?" Chris said staring at me, "It's up to you, you can but this might happen again." "That's a risk I'm willing to take. Move over please." I wriggle across the bed to let Chris in. He cuddles up next to me with his head resting next to my neck, one arm is wrapped around my waist holding me close and the other arm is twirling my hair around. Wait how am I not
fangirling right now? Chris Martin is in bed with me! Holy cow!

I woke up the next morning to find that I have rolled over so now my head is resting on Chris' chest, he still has an arm around my waist and he is still sleeping, he looks adorable. I try to check my clock behind me without waking him but I fail miserably, I try to roll over and his grip on my waist tightens pulling me back into him. He stirs and wakes up his blue eyes looks tired and his curly hair looks messy, he realises where his hand is and moves it quickly, I pretend to be sleeping so it's not awkward. Next thing my alarm goes off and the song would of course be a Coldplay song, it's Oceans from Ghost Stories I swiftly reach over and turn my alarm off, I can feel the blood rushing to my face. Chris just lies there laughing at me, "Morning," he sounds really sleepy, "Morning, sleep well?" I'm a morning person so I wake up smiling, "Yeah i did actually." I get up and go to the kitchen to make some tea, "Want some tea?" "Yes please Millie" I make some toast while the kettle boils, I put the toast on a plate and put it on a tray and I then put the 2 cups of tea on the tray, I walk back to my room with the tray and get back into bed, "Breakfast in bed? It's my lucky day!" Chris was more awake now, he seemed chirpy.

We sat and had breakfast before I decided to apologise for last night, "I just want to apologise for 2 things, 1) Locking myself in the bathroom, and 2) for the nightmare last night I'm really sorry, they had gone but they came back and I'm so sorry I woke you." I blurt out. "It's fine Millie, what was the nightmare about?" He asks me.
"Well it was 3 different scenes the first 2 were from my childhood but the third one was you-" I pause "What was I doing?" He asks, "You were stood at the end of my bed, you looked disgusted, you were saying how could I? And then you-" My eyes watered again "You said you wished you never saved me in the club because I deserved- I deserved to die." His facial expression darkened, "I would never think that or say that." He cuddled me again and said he needed to go to the bakery which is quite far from mine so I offered to drive there, I might just get to meet the rest of Coldplay.

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