Chapter 50

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I've been in labour for five and a half hours, I'm on every painkiller they can give me, gas and air, morphine, you name it I'm probably on it, my hair is scraped up in a bun and there are beads of sweat trickling down my forehead as I push with all my might. I squeeze Chris' hand as hard as I can, to the point where I think I might break his knuckles, the midwife keeps telling me to push, so I do, Chris gently places a cold flannel on my head and moves away a few strands of hair, "Come on Mill, you can do this, push." He says calmly, I push one more time and then the midwife tells me to stop, "Congratulations, Mr and Mrs Martin, you now have a baby girl! I'm just going to clean her up for you." Chris and I burst into tears of joy, we have a baby girl, Chris pulls me into a hug, "We have a baby girl! I can't believe it Millie! I love you so much!" I snuggle up to him and suddenly a wave of exhaustion hits me, I yawn and try to stay awake to see our baby.

After a few minutes the midwife comes in with our baby girl wrapped in a baby pink blanket with a little hat on, she hands her to me, I hold her and gently move her hat back so I can see her face, she has my button nose, and my chubby cheeks, her eyes look a lot like Chris' in the shape, because she has only just been born they aren't really a colour yet, they are a greyish blue colour, "Oh Chris, she's gorgeous!" Chris slides into the bed next to me and I hand him our daughter, "Just like her mum then, what are we calling her?" Chris and I had a few options for names, "Isabella," I said, "Isabella Alison Martin." Chris looked at her for a moment, "I love it!" We chatted for a while and snuggled with our baby, Chris called his parents and the guys, I have called Hannah, my dad and Olivia, I placed Isabella in the incubator next to my bed, and cuddled up to Chris, "We did it, we are parents." He said smiling at me, "Yeah we did."

I woke up not realising I had fallen asleep to the sound of footsteps running down the corridor, I sat up in bed and Olivia and the chief burst in the doors, "You've had the baby!" Olivia squealed as she ran over to hug me, "Boy or girl?" She asked, "She's a girl, Olivia, Dr W this is Isabella Alison Martin." Chris spoke up like a proud father, I grinned at him like a moron, "Awww! Can I hold her?" Olivia asked, I nodded and her and Dr Williams started cooing over her, they stayed for ages just telling us how cute she is, just after they left the second wave of visitors arrived, Hannah and the guys, we introduced them to Isabella and they all held her, Chris was showing her off to his bandmates it was adorable, my dad walked in casually 10 minutes after the guys and Hannah arrived, "Congratulations to you both! She is a perfect mix of you two." We all chatted for a while and then the visiting hours ended, so everyone had to go but because I work here they let Chris stay with me. We slept completely squashed in the bed, and we were only woken up twice by little miss Isabella, she better learn that her mother can be a real bitch if she's sleep deprived.

I woke up at 7:30 and looked to see Isabella wasn't in her incubator, I quickly jumped out of bed, I immediately relaxed when I saw Alison and Anthony sitting holding her, "Morning! Sorry we didn't mean to scare you, she woke up and you two looked like you needed the sleep so we took her out," Alison told me, I nodded and hugged them both, "So this is our granddaughter, she's beautiful, what is she called?" Anthony asked, "Isabella, Isabella Alison Martin." I smiled at them both, "Do you mind if her middle name is Alison? I'm so sorry I forgot to ask if it was ok before she was born, if it's not ok I can change it to something else." Alison shook her head, "No need to change her dear, I'm very grateful you chose my name for her middle name." We chatted for a while before Chris decided to wake up, "Morning sleeping beauty!" I giggled as he rubbed his eyes and adjusted to the light, "Mum, Dad! When did you get here?" He said hugging his parents, the conversation was quickly interrupted by a nurse who handed me some papers and told me to sign them, "what are these?" I asked, "Sorry Dr, they are your discharge papers, you can take your baby home." I signed the papers and Chris' parents helped us get our stuff ready to go home, we invited Chris' parents back but they had to set off home, so it's just us three now.

Later that evening when Izzy was sleeping Chris and I watched the news and guess what was one of the headlines: Chris Martin and his wife Camilla have had a baby! Our sources suggest.
How the hell did they find out so fast! Who is the source? Chris told me he would look into it, I'm not really that bothered, it was going to come out eventually, we can't hide our baby forever, never mind.

Chris and I are snuggled up in bed and I'm just having a moment, do you know what I mean, it feels like everything stands still and in the moment everything is perfect, and you just want to cry at how perfect your life is, I don't get these very often, I never really got them before I met Chris, but I just can't believe it. I got the guy. Now I've got the baby. And I've got the job. It's like everything that I didn't have in America I now have, and it's the best feeling. I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop. In fact no. I'm not waiting for the other shoe to drop because maybe, just maybe, there isn't another shoe. Maybe fate is on my side. Maybe I'm not dark and twisty. Maybe now I have everything I ever needed I am fixed, maybe.

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