Chapter 29

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I wake up in Chris' arms sobbing, I'm having a cold sweat, this hasn't happened for a while, I was doing well, and now, I just feel like this is a set back for me. "Millie, do you feel better now? You were crying my name when you were asleep, do you want to talk about it?" I sigh, "I feel much better, thanks Chris. I don't really, it was possible the worst one I've ever had, I mean it was intense, like it felt so real." I smuggle into him, "Well it's 4:30 now and it takes 3 and a half hours to get home so you'll be at work around 8 if we set off now." I nod and climb out of bed and grab my bag of clothes, I find my scrubs in there, "You packed my scrubs?" He nods at me, "I figured it would save you time, so you don't have to get changed and stuff." I kiss him gently on his lips, "Thank you Chris." "And I might've packed them because you look hot in them." I slap him on the shoulder gently, dork.

The journey back consists of me attempting to sing along to my songs that are on shuffle, quite a few are Coldplay obviously, then there is a song that I sang after I had met Chris for the first time it's called, Your Song by Kate Walsh (feel free to listen while reading, I think this song is perfect for Camilla can Chris' relationship), now if I'm right this is one of few songs I can sing so, I decide to go for it and try to sing it properly, "Just look in his eyes, there blue as the skies, are picture so pretty, but he is so pretty to me." I sing softly with the song, this is such a cute song. Once I have finished my karaoke sing a long I look at Chris and he is smiling sweetly as he drives, "You know you can sing really well, your voice it's like silk, it's smooth." I kinda laugh because this is coming from Chris Martin, "Says you Chris, your voice is like a freaking Angel!" He laughs at me, I feel myself blushing.

We arrive at the hospital and I'm only a few minutes late, so Dr Williams won't kill me hopefully, I give Chris a peck on the cheek and head in, I need to go and get my scrub cap and stethoscope, I'm not going to wear my jacket today it's too bloody warm when your running around hospital in it, once I've grabbed my stuff I get a page to Dr Williams' office, I quickly make my way there. "Dr Baker! Good morning! Listen I need you to get a triage team together," Triage I love doing triage, as my spirit animal Dr Yang would say, "Its like candy, but with blood which is so much cooler." "Triage? What's happened?" He shakes his head, "All I know is there was a big car pile up near the city centre. You need to take the best with you." I nod, "OK sir, is the ambulance on its way to get us?" "Yes it will be here shortly." I nod and leave his office, I need the best people, I'll go see Olivia and see who she thinks I should take. After a few minutes discussion with Olivia I decide to take Dr Bailey, Dr Jackson, Dr Miles and Dr Hall.

We all grab our equipment bags and head to the ambulance. Dr Hall and Dr Miles are interns, but I have to teach, they are the most promising interns apparently, I've already met Bailey and I think I've met Jackson briefly before.

A/N The next chapter has a bit of gore, just a warning if you are squeamish, it isn't that bad I don't think it just talks a bit about performing burr holes on someone not in a hospital. You have been warned, enjoy!

We arrive on the scene and it is worse than I had expected it to be. I am so glad I told them about the tag method, basically there are different coloured cards for the patients condition. I am trying to figure out what happened, I'm guessing that a truck hit a car and somehow a lorry got mixed up in it all, there are cars on their roofs and cars on fire it is carnage. "Ok everyone, let's save some lives!" Is all I say as we all split up, I make my way to someone who is crushed under a car, "Sir can you hear me? I'm a doctor. I'm here to help you." He groans, "I can give you some morphine for the pain, but I need to ask you some questions first. " He nods, "Can you feel you legs?" He shakes his head, right so if he can't
feel his legs so I need to stabilise his spine, I grab a broken stretcher and put it under his back I grab my tape and tape it around his head and the stretcher, " Sir I need you to keep your neck still for me ok? Blink once for yes and twice for no. Do you understand?" He blinks once. He starts to seize I grab his shoulders to prevent any further spinal damage, one he has finished seizing I check his pupils and his right one is not responsive, crap, I try to yell to get some help but everyone is too busy I grab my phone from my bag and call the hospital, Dr Williams picks up, "Williams, I have a situation. My patient has a possible spinal injury, he has just had a seizure and now his right pupil is unresponsive, I think he has a subdural hematoma from the impact of the crash and I need to do burr holes, but I don't have the equipment-" I am cut off by someone next to me, "Are you a doctor? You need to help him. " "Sir that is what I am doing can you hold this and put it on loud speaker." I hand him my phone he puts it on speaker, "Ok Baker you need a drill, you need to evacuate the bleeding." "I don't have a drill I have nothing to use." I try to stay calm, "Excuse me doc, I have a power drill in my van it's just over the road. " Before I can answer Williams speaks up, "Ah yes go and get that, please sir." The guy puts my phone down and runs off, "Dr Williams, are you seriously asking me to drill into a patients skull with a power drill! Think about how unsterile it is and it might drill too much because they don't stop like a neurological drill." I can't drill into someone's head that's insane! "This has been done before Baker calm down, you have alcohol wipes to sterilise the drill, it will work, otherwise this man will die." I take a deep breath I can do this I take out my small scalpel and prepare to sterilise it, the guy has returned from his van, he hands me the drill, I sterilise it and the scalpel using a lot of my wipes because I don't want to risk infection, "Ok sir, I am ready." I take my finger and do two finger spaces from the eye to the ear and then three finger spaces up so it is just behind the hairline, I make a small incision which goes down to the skull then I do three finger spaces up from the ear and make another incision to the skull, "Remember Baker this drill is not a neurological drill, be careful." I re-wipe the drill to be sure, then I do it, I turn the drill on and drill into the poor guy's skull, I have now done the burr holes and I can't see the bleeding, so I need to make them slightly larger, once I have done this I see the clot, "I need suction sir." how would I get the clot without suction? I could use my fingers because I do have gloves on, obviously. "Just use your fingers Baker." Crap. I don't want to do this, ok just do it, you are going to save a life doing this come on Camilla. I gently put my finger in the hole and get the clot out, I quickly dress the wound and send the drill guy to get me some help.

Phew that was stressful. I get the guy in and ambulance and go with them to make sure he makes it ok to the hospital, just as I am getting on there is a group of reporters, "IS IT TRUE YOU JUST DRILLED INTO THIS MANS HEAD?" I hear one yell, "ARE YOU STILL WITH CHRIS MARTIN?" I hear another yell, I just ignore them and get in the ambulance, the neurosurgeon takes him to surgery and properly checks that the clot is gone, "You did great Baker. Like I said before you work perfectly on this team." Dr Williams says patting me on the shoulder, "Now get home you've had a hell of a day." I head out to call Chris to pick me up but he is already here.

"Hello love, how was your day?" He asks, "Chris it was fucking epic! I drilled into a guys skull with a power drill!" Chris cringes a bit at my enthusiasm, "Sorry, it's pretty gross, but it saved his life." He just laughs at me and we head home.

A/N I don't know if anyone watches Grey's but this is a bit similar to an episode with the drilling holes thing, sorry for that, I just wanted to do some wacky medical care in this chapter, hope you enjoyed it, please vote, comment, share. Bye!

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