Chapter 17

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Mike is dragged away from me by officers as Brad helps me up and takes me to a conference room to take a statement from me, "So let me get this straight, he is your stepdad who abused from the age 7-13, you ran away from home at the age of 14 and changed your name, now you are working here and it's your second day and he found you." That sounds so messed up to hear someone say this out loud, I want to go home. I want to see Chris, I need to see Chris. Dr Williams walked in half way through Brad repeating what I had just said, he just stared at me with his eyes full of pity, "We will get your cheek and leg stitched up and I'll call your friend to come and get you." I hope he means Chris, I nod. He takes me to a trauma room that has the stuff for stitches, he stitches me up and tells me my friend is sat outside waiting for me.

I get my stuff from the locker room and head to the main entrance where Chris will be waiting, except I don't see Chris anywhere, it's Hannah. "Damn Millie stop getting into so many fights." I laugh at her, she takes me to her car and begins driving me home I look at myself in the mirror, I look terrible; my hair is now all messed up, my mascara is smudged under my eyes, bloody hell my right cheek is stitched up and my right eye is starting to bruise. I explain everything to Hannah on the way to mine, when we get to mine she gets out of the car and helps me out and gives me a hug, a really warm hug that just made me feel a little bit better, "Thank you so much Hannah, sorry you had to come out of work for me, again." We laugh, "Do you wanna come in? The guys might still be here," she gives me a curious look, "Ohhhh Shit I haven't told you, I met COLDPLAY! They stayed at mine last night and Chris is staying with me for a while." She doesn't reply, instead she drags me up to my apartment, she barges in the door and the guys are all sat at the table, "Holy crap you weren't kidding!" They all share the same baffled look, "I'm sorry but who are you?" Chris asks, I step in front of Hannah and turn so my right side isn't showing, "Guys this is Hannah, Hannah this is, well you already know." Her facial expression drops as her phone rings, "Hi it's really nice to meet you all, but I have to go before my boss fires me." Before anyone can reply to her she is out the door.

"How did the speech go?" Guy asks me, "Oh the speech yeah it went well, listen guys please please don't worry but something pretty bad happened at work, I'm gonna turn around now, please don't freak out, OK? Promise you won't freak out." I haven't thought about this but I'm going to have to tell them about my mum and Mike. The thought of him sends shivers down my spine. "We promise," I turn to look at them, I still have my ripped scrubs on and you can see the bandage on my leg, my face and hair still look like crap. Their faces drop, I feel my jaw begin to wobble as a lump forms in my throat, I'm just a magnet to crappiness. Jonny and Chris walk to me to help me to the sofa because it's really painful to walk on my leg, "Millie, what the hell happened to you?" Will asks frowning at my black eye at stitches, a tear falls from my eye, followed by another and another, in between crying I explain everything about my stepdad when I was a child to how he managed to find me.

They all look completely in shock, except Chris, he looks ready to rip someone's head off. I feel bad for burdening them with this but I had to explain how this happened. "How about I cook tonight?" Guy suggests, I assume they are staying the night again, it's funny they are all acting really protective over me, Jonny got me some frozen peas for my face and Will made me a cup of tea, Guy kept offering to do stuff, which was cute but it was random stuff like, checking the post.

Chris helped me into my room to get out of these scrubs I change my top, but getting the pants off was another story I attempted to get them over the cut but I couldn't do it it hurt too much, so Chris came back in and helped me get them off I saw him glance at the scars on my non bandaged thigh, every single one was from Mike, I sighed. He helped me get some comfy pyjama bottoms on, then he helped remove my makeup with a wipe, I winced as he got near my cheek and eye. I sat on the edge of my bed, I still can't believe he found me. How did he find me? My thoughts are interrupted by Chris crouching down in front of me, "I don't understand how someone could want to hurt someone as perfect as you," he said holding my cheek that isn't hurt. " You don't deserve this Millie. I wish I could turn back time and stop this from happening." He looks up at me with his big blue eyes that are on the verge of tears, one falls from his eye it rolls down his cheek, slowly I reach forward and wipe it away with my thumb.

He gets up and sits next to me on the bed, I lean my head against his shoulder, "I'm sorry you have to see me like this, at one point I was almost immune to the pain because I was used to it, but now I don't have to be used to it, the painful thing is the shock." Chris strokes my hair fiddling with it in between his fingers, I look up at him, "You really are perfect." I blurt the words out before I can stop them, what did I just do, a shocked look crosses his face before he cups my face and leans in, I know I shouldn't, but I this moment right now I don't care, I lean in and our lips touch, the first kiss is quick until I see his face begging me to carry on so I kiss him again, this time I put all my passion into it, and wow, words don't even begin to explain how amazing it feels, his lips are soft and gentle. I pull away and look at him, he looks guilty, "I'm sorry." We both say in unison, "I shouldn't have, your going through a divorce I'm so sorry." I look at my hands, "Don't be sorry, that was perfect, but I shouldn't have because your hurting right now." He says, I don't know how to respond so I just pull him into a hug, "Maybe one day Chris when the timing is better for both of us." I pull back to see him giving me this weird look, like he looks in awe but he looks like he's thinking about something, "Maybe one day."

Hey guys please tell me what you think so far, I really appreciate feedback, also I need a title for this book because I don't think Lost? Is the right one, if you have any suggestions feel free to comment.

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