Chapter 27

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Chris and I wake up at 10:30, and some how we are completely tangled up, my leg intertwined with his, my arm is sprawled over his chest, one of his hands is on my back and his other hand is on my waist, my hair is just one big mess spread out everywhere, I look up at Chris, his eyes are shut and his mouth is slightly open. I want to get up for a shower, but I don't want to wake Chris, I roll over slowly, and as usual Chris tightens his grip around my waist and wakes up from his slumber. "Morning Chris." He opens his eyes slowly, they look very sleepy, "Morning Millie. Are you excited to meet my parents?" I shoot him a glare, "You know how nervous I am. What if they hate me?" He cups my face in his hands, "If I love you, which I do, then they will love you, honestly Millie don't stress." By his words I feel more relaxed, I mean I'm still shit  scared about meeting the parents, but I'm not as shit scared.

I have a shower and throw on some leggings and a top and we go downstairs for breakfast, "This hotel has the best full English breakfast." He says grabbing my hand and leading me to the food hall, we sit at a table near a window and order 2 full English breakfasts, we sit and chat about his parents so I know what to expect, the breakfasts come after a few minutes, they are amazing. We finish and head back to the room to get ready, "Millie you do know the meal isn't until 7 o clock tonight? It's only 11, you have a whole 7 and a half hours before we have to leave." I nod, "I know, well do you want to go somewhere or do something for a bit?" He looks at me and takes a moment to think, "Do you want to go for a walk around? Or we can chill out here for a bit? It's up to you." I think about it for a bit, if we go for a walk then there might be some crazy fangirls who might claw my eyes out, "Shall we chill out here and go walking tomorrow?" He nods, "They have Netflix here, so we could Netflix and chill." He laugh and I gently punch his arm, "Chris!"  "I'm kidding, what do you want to watch?" I pause for a second, "I think that they added Sherlock, can we watch that?" I love Sherlock! "Do you like Sherlock Millie? I bloody love it!" Another reason to love Chris, he watches Sherlock, I'll add it to my list of why I am in love with him.

We watch a few episodes before we decide to get ready, "I don't know what to wear Chris, will you pick something?" He nods and walks over to my back and pulls out a navy dress, it's the same as the baby pink one he got for my birthday party, "Chris! You can't keep buying me dresses! My wardrobe isn't big enough!" I giggle slightly, Chris looks at the floor, "Sorry Millie." Does help think I'm serious? "Chris, I'm joking, but seriously I need a bigger wardrobe for all these clothes." I slip on my dress and shoes, oh crap I forgot I can't wear makeup ugh, I look in my bag for my hair straighteners, "Chris, did you bring my straighteners?" He shakes his head, "I told you Millie, go natural, they like natural beauty." I sigh, "But chriiiiiiiiiiis." He doesn't answer me, he just pulls me into a hug, "Millie, when you leave your hair natural it looks like you have spent hours curling it, when you don't wear makeup you green eyes are more vibrant, and when you don't wear makeup you are beautiful. But with you, you can wear makeup and look beautiful for a lot of other reasons, like when you have makeup on, you have more confidence, which I think is very sexy, and when you wear makeup you seen happier in your own skin, but just know whatever you do or look like, just know that Camilla Baker, I fucking love you." Chris Martin you are so freaking adorable! I can't believe what he has just told me, he has such a way with words. I sigh, "Thank you Chris, I love you too, I will go natural. "

We leave the hotel, hand in hand and we make our way to his parents house, I have butterflies in my stomach I'm terrified, because I'm not good with families. The drive from the hotel isn't very long it's about 15 minutes, when we arrive I pause as we stand outside the small normal house, it is completely normal, it's not a big fancy mansion, it's just a semi detached house in Whitestone, Exeter. I can't help but hesitate, it's really happening, me Camilla Baker is meeting the parents of the living legend that is Chris Martin, who I just so happen to be madly in love with.

Chris knocks on the door, and an older couple answer the door, "Oh Chris dear! We have missed you so much! Oh and is this Camilla? We have heard so much about you! Come on in, make yourselves at home." The woman says, she has blue eyes and grey hair, wait he has been telling them about me! "Hello mum, this is Dr Camilla Baker, my girlfriend." Both his mum and dad raise their eyebrows when Chris calls me Dr, I get a sudden wave of worry, they seem nice, I have never met nice parents, ever. " Oh so she's clever and beautiful, well Chris you've got the full package!" His dad speaks up, I blush, "Oh dad don't get me started, she's amazing." I blush even more now, "W-well I'm not really-" Chris cuts me off, "No Millie you are." I don't bother to argue with him. The woman scurries off, "Stew is ready!" She shouts through Chris and his dad walk off to the dining room and I follow them, Chris' dad is called Anthony and his mum is called Alison.

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