Chapter 12

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I am woken up to a combination of three noises, my alarm, and the smoke alarm, and someone cursing. I sit up in bed, grab my dressing gown and walk to the kitchen. The sight in front of me causes me to stand in a fit of giggles; There is a frying pan with bacon on the oven, burnt to a crisp, a bowl of mixture which I think is pancake mix, and Chris stood in his pyjamas covered in pancake mix, wafting a tea towel at the smoke alarm. Once the smoke alarm goes off he hears me laughing, he puts the tea towel down.
"Well it's safe to say I can't cook." He said rubbing the back of his neck, "Do you want pancakes? I don't think the bacon is edible anymore." He said looking at the mess he made in my kitchen, "I'm really sorry about the mess." He said looking at me sheepishly. "It's fine Chris I'll clean it up later I need to go to work, I'll have pancakes later though, I'm just gonna have a granola bar and an apple." I yawn as I finish my sentence, "Do you plan on going to work dressed like that?" He asked pointing to my pyjamas, "Shit! I'm gonna be late!"

I run into my room grabbing a bobble and scraping my hair back, I quickly throw on jeans and a jumper because I will be changing into scrubs when I get there, I throw my trainers on, brush my teeth and apply foundation eyeliner and mascara, I can't be late on my first day! "Chris if you want to use my car today you'll have to come with me to work and drive it back, my shift ends at 10 tonight, is that ok? You might have to pick me up, or I could get a taxi?" I say while grabbing my bag and throwing in stuff I might need and some snacks, "When does your shift start?" Chris asks grabbing my car keys and following me out the door, I check my watch, "In 15 minutes!" "So your first shift after being stabbed is 15 hours?" I nod at him, "Will you be able to do that long?" I give him my 'are you kidding?' look. "Okay okay, let's go?"

We get in my car I drive probably above most of the speed limits, I will not be late on my first day! We arrive in record time, I say goodbye to Chris and head in, I walk through the doors to be greeted by the receptionist who I met when I came for the interview, "The locker rooms are in the room opposite Dr Williams' office."  I thank her and run up to the locker room, I quickly change into my navy scrubs, they are just like the ones I had in
Seattle, it's a good job I like the colour blue, I throw on the white jacket, I stuff my plum coloured scrub cap into my pocket and wrap my stethoscope around my neck.

I walk into Dr Williams' office to find out where I am supposed to be, this hospital is huge, it will take me ages to learn my way around. "Ah good morning Dr Baker! As its your first day I have decided to cut your shift down so it starts at 7:30 am and ends at 6:00pm," I open my mouth to object but Williams continued, "And I'm not arguing with you on this. I don't want to damage our best trauma surgeon by throwing you in at the deep end on your first day." His tone was stern, I understand why he's doing this but I don't want special treatment. "I don't want special treatment, sir." I said but he just ignores me, "Your working in A&E today we will discuss when you will begin teaching after you are used to this hospital, ok?" A&E sounds ok, "Yes sir." I head out of his office and begin making my way to A&E, actually I'm going to go and call Chris and tell him my shift ends early, I head back to the locker room and grab my phone from my bag, I dial Chris' number he answers almost straight away,
"Hey Millie, is everything ok?" He sounds concerned,  "I'm fine just letting you know my shift ends at 6pm now, Dr Williams changed it so I don't over do it." I'm a little bit annoyed to be honest, I can handle myself! "Ok I'll pick you up at 6, I'll see you later." "Ok bye Chris." I hang up and decide to try and find the A&E department.

I give up! I'm going to ask someone for directions, I sigh to myself, "Are you lost?" I hear a quiet voice behind me, I turn to se a nurse stood looking at me with pity, she looked really familiar, "I am a little bit, I'm looking for the A&E department, I'm new, my names Camilla-" before I could finish she finished for me, "Camilla Baker, the trauma surgeon who got stabbed, I only know this because I was one of the nurses on your case, I'm not some crazy stalker, I promise."  We laugh as we walk down corridors and stairs to eventually get to A&E, she seems really nice her name is Olivia, she seems quite shy, that could be because I'm new though.

When I finally get there the scene in front of me is completely chaos, there are people on beds in the middle of the corridors and patients left on beds not being treated, the doctors and nurses all look baffled. "What is going on here everyone?" I yell over the noise, "There was  shooting at the shopping centre, there are lots of casualties; civilians, police, and apparently the shooter is amongst the patients, she is needing surgery." A nurse tells me, the department is complete out of control, I need to organise it. "Everyone listen up!" I yell, everyone stops, "I'm Dr Baker, this is ridiculous, there has been a terrible accident and we are here to save lives of the victims and the people who were doing their job trying to save victims, and unfortunately we have to look after the person responsible-" I pause, "However we will give everyone the same quality of care regardless. To do so we need a system, critical patients on the left in the beds, non critical need to be taken to rooms and treated, all family and friends go to the waiting room, I will personally keep you updated. I want updates on each patients condition to divide up surgeries on the surgical board. All surgeons notify me when you are taking a patient to surgery so I know they are accountable for. Let's get to work people, let's save lives." With that everyone immediately begins moving patients to the appropriate places, pep talk, nailed it, I thought to myself. I'm just about to go to a patient when I feel a hand on my shoulder, I spin around to see Dr Williams, "Great job, you're going to fit in well here." Before I could say anything I turn my attention to th police officer walking through the door with another officer in his arms, I run over to help and call for a gurney, I lay the officer on the gurney, he has been shot in his chest and in his abdomen, I need to take him to surgery asap, "Does he have any allergies or medical issues?" I ask the officer who brought him in, he shakes his head with that I head up to surgery.

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