Ya my brothers famous..what does your brother do for a living?

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"But dadddd!"I whined.

" Skylar,you are going on tour with Alex" My dad answered. You see,my brother,Alex Gaskarth is in a band. All Time Low actually. My name is Skylar Gaskarth. But my life was going peachy fine,until

"Skylar,your going on tour with Alex! Pack your stuff!" My mom told me.

"Buy why me?!"I asked,as Jack walked in,Alex was packing. Alex and I were close,but not to the point where we wanted to stay on a stinky-smelly bus.

"Oh you'll looooooove it!"Jack laughed

"Shut it Barakitty and eat your cereal"I anwered. He pretended to cry and shoved cereal in his mouth.

"Guys! Lets goooo! Tour time! Hey Sky"Rian called coming in. I am 17.

"Let me grab my shoes"I groaned and stomped up the stair case into my room."

"Someones a little grumpy" Alex muttered

"Someones a little grumpy"I answered mimicking his voice

"Mememe"He siad in a little kid voice

"mememem"I answered mimking him

"Neneneepopo!"He said

"Your such a ninny!"I groaned.

"Your such-"He got cut off

"Enough! Enough!"My mom laughed.

"I swear to god,sometimes I wonder,you guys are actually 3 years old." Mom laughed. Thanks Mom,love you to...

"Thanks Mom,love you to!"Alex and I said in unision. Looked at each other,cocked our head to the same side.

"Are you my brother/sister?"We asked and then started laughing.I pushed Alex backwards,and I walked into my room to get sneakers

"LETS GO!!!!!!!!!!"Alex yelled. I decided on my blue converes.

I had my laptop,my charger,my ipod,my ipod charger,my cellphone,my cell phone charger,clothes,duh,my straighter and curler,yes,my razor...yup. (wow this just got extremly Cliche..) You see,ever since my Boy friend,Jesse,cheated on me,for the 100th time,I found out,and he hit me causing internal bleeding and I nearly died. I never forgave him. Thats why I have these things called cuts on my arm. But I've gotten better,ever since Rian and Zack talked me threw it.I'm better.

"Hey you coming?"Alex asked qietly coming in.


" Oh um ya."I smiled.Making sure I had the neckalce that Jesse gave me. Why did I still wear it?Becuase its like my second heart.

"Aw,Sky,I know you miss him"Alex said sadly.

"No,it's fine,lets go,It's tour!"I said happy sadly and walked out.

"SKYLARRR!"Jack yelled and jumped on me making us fall on the floor of the tour bus

"Get of my sister"Alex siad in a britich accent..failing.

"Aye Mate!"Jack said in the same tone! Next thing you know,it's time to go into the sound booth. They were playing in New York and I was aloud to do the ights and sound stuff this time :D

"Hellllllllllllo New York!!!!!!!!!!!!!"Alex screamed.Rian did a quick drum thing.

"How ya doing???????"He yelled again and everyone yelled.

"Ok,first you do the green light,then the red one,then just pick whatever one you want"Matt explained.

"Matt, I've been watching you do this for the past 4 years, I can do it...trust me"i laughed.

Ya my brothers famous..what does your brother do for a living?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن