Over Protection pt.2 (Fixed)

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Thanks,Thank you so much guys, for always supporting me and never leaving my side. You guys don't know how happy this makes me! I wanna scream and hug each of you. Alot of you has requested for part 3 so this is an early Christmas Gift for my Christian Reader (I'm not a Christian!).

Hiccup's Pov

I went to sleep,the tiredness and aching body wasn't helping at all. I was about to get comfortable in bed until I realized Astrid was missing. 

I turned around in bed,even though i was tired but I couldn't sleep,like someone needed me. I got on my back again changing positions thinking they might help me sleep but no.

I groaned and got up,opened the window of my room only to be surprised that all the lights of Astrid's house were blown out.

This was strange,really strange.

Ignoring the light breeze of air that brushed though my hair,I was about to go back until I heard Storm Fky's painful sqwacks who was tied to a tree very immensely.

My sense tingled  and I immediately knew that something was wrong becouse normally Astrid keeps Stormfly in her pen or house.

I wore my armor and ran to her house.


I broke the chain that was towed to Stormfly's neck.

"Your gonna be fine Girl!"

I comforted Stormfly who gave me those sad faces and looks.

I opened the entrance door of Astrid's house. All the lights and candles were destroyed. It was so dark that I could barely see anything.

I lit the candle with my personal lighter. I climbed the stairs only to hear some muffled screams and evil laughters. I immediately recognised them,it was Dagur.

I hurriedly kicked the door open and tore Dagur apart from Astrid. He was on top of her trying to tear her shirt,he had tied her hands to bed's stand with chain.

Her legs were also tied with the bed and henwas trying hard to physically abuse her.

I was so angry and mad, how could he do this?

I punched Dagur but he managed to dodge it. He kicked me at my leg and I fell backward. I kicked him again and it hit him right in his croch. He slapped me across the face.

My instinct burning in,I lifted him up by his collar and punched him straight in the face. I then threw him out if the room,he had passed out. (Im sorry,I'm really terrible in Action!)

I undid Astrid's chains and she dealt with Dagur.


The lights of Berk were now lit and Dad with the rest of people threw Dagur to our dungeons.

"Astrid are you alright?"

I asked her,my heart sinking becouse if he raped her,I would die.

"No,you came in time!"

She replied smiling brightly.

I sighed in relief and hugged her which caught her by surprise.

She hugged back and stroked my hair.

"I don't know what i would've done without you. If you wouldn't have came now,I would've. ......"

But I stopped her by placing my fingers on her lips.

"Shh,it's alright! Mid night shadows,finding love is a battle but day light is so close so don't you worry bout a thing cause we're gonna be alright!"

We both smiled,our world's stopping, the only thing i could see wad Astrid. I leaned in and she did too,we were so close that I could feel her beautiful breath. Our lips were about to touch.

Until demon had to ruin the moment.

"Guys,stop making out!"

Tuffnut yelled at us and tore is apart.

I sighed madly.

"Tuffnut,I'm kill you!"

I screamed at him but he ran away.

I'm so Thankful that Astrid was saved. I truly love her. She's my angel,my goddess,my world.


That's it chocolates! Short,I know but I really need to get some sleep.

Love you all my chocolates 🍫 🍫


Love Ariana❤

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