Burning Bright

743 21 14

Sad AU

Guys,remember the challenge i gave the last chapter,no one participated and it was a shame so shame on me.

And okay play the song while reading the chapter below |

It was another day of autumn,cold and chilly air breeze. It was the time of afternoon,people mostly on their homes enjoying time with their family. Well everybody except Hiccup,the 24 year old chief who was sadly working in his small office.

Berk was now complete,with strong army of dragons and vikings,lead by the alpha Toothless and Hiccup.

Everyone got married at the age of 20,just after the war with bewilderbeast and Drago.

Everyone got over and moved on until it was the time for young couple of Berk to do so.

Snotlout got married with Ruffnut,had three kids, Emilia and Emily both the 3 year twins and Camila,the new born blonde girl.

Emilia and Emily had black hair with blue eyes while Camila got blonde hair and black eyes.

Fishlegs got married with Heather,got a new born girl named Kelly who had black hair like Heather and sharp and dull blue eyes like Fishlegs. Heather recently gave birth to her as Heather wasn't able to produce off springs the last 4 years.

Tuffnut wasn't married yet but was engaged with Torrie. They both had been dating for 3 years and were about to be married this year.

Astrid was married to Mark who was the chief of the neighboring island. Astrid had a 3 year boy named Aeron who and blonde hair with tree green eyes.

When Astrid and Hiccup were 20 year old,they both were engaged and were about to be married until another war happened. The neighbouring island attacked Berk in a dark night.

Berk wasn't prepared at all and was lacking in army since they lost their everything at the previous war with Drago.

Berk requested the other island to stop the war and they agreed but they wanted Astrid as their source.

Mark was the heir of the island,the chief wanted his son and Astrid to be married,even Mark himself was mesmerised by her beauty and flaws.

As tied protested but of coarse she knew she had to give up for the sake of Berk,dragons and vikings.

Hiccup wasn't agreeing but seeing the struggle of Berk,he made/forced Astrid to marry Mark.

From that time on,she never talked to Hiccup.


"Mom,I wanna ride a dragon! "

3 year old Aeron begged his mother for the millionth time but like every time he was rejected.

"NO, Aeron, your way too young to be riding!"

Astrid sighed heavily at his stubborn son who was irritating her.

She was in the garden thinking about whom she had loved for the past years. She knew she was cheating on Mark but it was never her idea to marry a complete stranger.

Mark and Astrid shifted back in berk as Astrid's request but Mark was insecure about Hiccup and Astrid feud. He knew they still loved each other,everybody knew that,but everybody was scared to admit. He knew Astrid had always loved Hiccup,she still was and will always be.

Astrid stared at the refreshing views until her eyes caught a hint of aunburn hair and green eyes. She soon realized it was Hiccup,walking back from his workshop.

Soon he turned to her and their eyes met,even from the distance,they could see the love and care in each others eyes. Her heart started beating faster and sweat started dripping her body.

Her breathing became uneven,she urged back to just go and hug him,tell him how much she love and miss him but she kept back for the sake of Berk,Dragons and Vikings.

She started at him in sorrow and pain but love and care. He stared back with the same affection,they both longed each other but no one dared to even say a word.

Hiccup loved Astrid so much that he never got married,he waited for her to just come and tell him to marry her but nothing happened. And he will be waiting for her til death.

As they both were lost in each other with silence but words weren't necessary as silence spoke their words until..

"Mom,dad is knocking at the door! "

Aeron shook his lost mother from deep thoughts.

"Uh..oh..sorry sorry! "

She got up looking at him in a sorry way and ran back to the house opening the door for her husband.

Hiccup disturbed himself from this and just continued walking.


Done! I know my heart is breaking and I feel like crying but I wanna try out something new.

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