The little mermaid

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This is a bonus chapter for nothing but votes on ny story.

Note ; This is  a copied story turned into Hiccstrid.

Third person pov

Far,far out to sea,where the water was deep and blue,Mer people swam in their underwater grottkes.The Mer King had a fine palace all of coral and there he lived with his six daughters.They loved their life under the sea but when the youngest daughter known as Astrid Melody Hofferson caught her first glimpse of the upper world, she thought it was the most wonderful place she had ever seen.

One evening Astrid watched spellbound as a fine ship came sailing close by. She was near enough to see a young in one the cabin. He was a Prince and the mermaid thought him the most handsome man in the world. Suddenly there was a lid clap of thunder and black clouds rolled across the sky. The wind whipped the waves as high as hills and, to the mermaid's great terror,the great ship was struck by lightning and split right in two. The sea was full of men,all shrieked and wailing and tbere , clinging to a spar,was the handsome prince. She took hold of his arms, and swimming strongly, toward him to land.

As he lay upon the beach a young girl found him and called for help. The Prince who was called as  hayden Haddock opened his eyes and believed that she was the one who had saved him.
Only Astrid, hiding behind the rocks knew the truth. Before tbe Prince could ask who was was, the young girl ran off and so the Prince rescue remained a mystery. But Astrid could not forget him and every evening she swam to the surface if sea and gazed at the palace ebrre he lived.
"Come home with us," said her sister Elsa,but astrid longed to catch another glimpse of the Prince.
"You cannot share his life,"they scolded." You have a silver tail and will never be able to walk on dry land. You must forget him." But Astrid could not Think of anything else. She would not be happy until she was rid of her tail and able to visit the upper world.

Far away, in a cave made from the bleached bones of shipwrecked sailors,there lived the sea witch.
"Perhaps she will be abme to help me." Said the little mermaid to herself. " she frighten me dreadfully but I can't think of another way to win my heart's desire." Through forests of slimy seaweed and across wild,frothing whirlpools,Astrid swam until she reached the Witch's lair. The witch listened to little mermaids request as snail crept across her lap and green frog squatted upon her shoulders.
"I can take away your tail and give you those stalks men call legs," said the witch at last"but I want something in return. I want your sweet voice so I warn you,from the moment you'll drink TBIS potion you will be struck dumb!" The Mermaid could think of her Prince and agreed to this terrible demand at once.
"When you'll walk on land,"added the witch,"every step will be as if your treading on sharp knives. Are you sure you want to endure the pain?" Astrid nodded quickly as she thought of her dear Prince and their lives together in upper world.
Quickly she drank the magic potion and in trice her tail turned into legs.

She found herself lying upon the marble steps beside the Prince palace and when she was discovered by Queens maids she was dressed and brought before the Royal family. They were all captivated by her beauty and sweet nature but when they asked who she was, she couldn't say a word.
Gentle music filled the air and astrid couldn't help but dance. She moved gracefully accross the floor,spinning and twirling,but every step was agony and soon her eyes were filled with tears. Hiccup held her in his arms and felt great pity and tenderness for little girl but it was clear to Astrid that he did not share the same love that she had for him. As weeks passed the hiccup showed nothing but kindness and it Pained astrid much more.

After a few week, Prince chose a bride and she was the same girl who pulled Prince out of water and astrid couldn't say a word as tears filled her eyes. It was their wedding day and Prince and princess were happily enjoying.

After the wedding,they went to the ship to celebrate their night together.

Astrid watched the ship and sat on the edge of water as tears were flowing rapidly out of her. She stopped her sobs when she heard some movement aroun her and two figures appeared from water. It was her sister's. One said
"Sister we told you,dad is worried. Come back and enjoy your life underwater as the Prince is married and is living happily with his bride and you can do nothing."
Then the other added
"We brought you this potion which will make back to normal again. "But Astrid grabbed the potion and threw it across the floor and it broke into pieces. She swallowed and ran away.

She closed her eyes and jumped in the water as water entered her nose,ears and mouth until she couldn't breathe.

She opened her eyes as three white figures appeared.
"We don't need love or anything. We can live alone up in the world. We are called spirits"
Astrid smiled and gave her hand to them and flied away.

In the middle she saw Prince and princess peacefully asleep in each others embrace. She sighed and flew higher with the spirits.

The end

Ok. Guys Thanks for all the votes. I actually created a book but I unpublished it becouse that was unsuccessful. That is  just a part of it.

Hope you like it

Love You all Chocolates🍫🍫🍫


Love Astrid❤❤❤

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