Ring my bells

913 31 4

Third persons pov

Astrid was looking in the mirror studying every inch of her body. She couldn't stop the bubbling feelings inside of her as she was so excited.

She was finally gonna get married to hiccup.

As she tried to calm down, some negative feelings made their way as she started to think that she was not good enough for the chief of berk and she didn't deserve him. She tried to think positive but was now deep.

She slowly turned on the shower and let her body get wet. She closed her eyes to prevent herself.

After taking a refreshing shower, she wrapped herself with a towel. She was looking at the body sized mirror again wanting to look perfect at least for the her wedding day.

She knew, she is taking the biggest step on her life and will be welcomed to the new completely different life after 5 hours.

It was true , Fearless Astrid Hofferson was marrying Hiccup horrendous haddock, the dragon conquerer,  and the chief of berk.

She finally smiled and took a deep breath before opening the door only to be welcomed by valka who was standing there smiling to see her wet future daughter in law.

"You look gorgeous! " exclaimed valka seeing her long and beautiful legs then her beautiful neck.

"Don't joke."

She replied.

"I'm not joking, seriously "

But Astrid only shook her head disagreeing with her.

After all , Astrid was the tallest girl in the whole archipelago.

"Okay, so your beauticians will be here any minute".

"You shouldn't have called them from those islands. I can do my own makeup.  "

Astrid said not feeling good for them for coming from those far islands just for her makeup.

"Nope, the chiefs wife should look the best!"

Astrid just sighed not wanting to argue.

"After all, you promised me to obey my orders."

Valka said strictly.

"Fine" .Astrid replied.

Astrid sat on the chair in front of the mirror and the makeup table.

"I'm sorry miss valka, we are late." Said the beauticians who just got in the door.

"Its okay. Just hurry up, we don't want to waste any moment now."

The hair artist opened the towel from Astrid's
head and observed her hair.

"Wow, your hair are soo long, thick, and silk."

It was true, Astrid's hair were lower than her thigh.

" we need to dye them." She continued.

Astrid wanted to protest but seeing valka's face made Astrid stop.

They applied some dye creams to the end of her hair till her mid-hair.

"This might take 2 hours."

"Astrid, I'm seeing your hair loose for the first time and I'm really surprised."
Valka said in an awe.

"Let's start with the makeup."

"Can you bleach her body?" Valka asked.

"Actually no because her body is already so beautiful and soft and her skin is fair so I think bleach won't work on her. It's a God gift."

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