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This is Astrid  writing hiccup  a letter when he goes for one-week training in another nearby island after the war with Drago bludvist.


Hiccup ! I know I shouldn't write you like this but this is urgent becouse it can change your life.

Hiccup,the death of uncle stoick is my fault not yours. If I wouldn't have told the Drago about you then this wouldn't have happened.

Hiccup, I can't see you like this anymore, the way your eye bags always stay in your eyes. The way you always blame yourself for your father's death. So don't blame. I'm the one so I should get the punishment.

Hiccup,I'm now punishing myself becouse i won't be there everyday with you , every moment but I guess ,I would be watching you.

I'm dying hiccup,  But I'll let you know so please don't be like this. If this can make you happy then I'm ready to do this.

I beg you, please hiccup.  Always stay happy and healthy. Never blame yourself. I know after reading the cause of your father's death. You would be hating me. And I deserve this.  I know, I don't deserve your love. I know that this is my fault, I should've been more careful. Boy I couldn't give you the love you deserve but please.Can't you forgive me, at least just temporarily. I was a liar, I gave into the fire.

But at least I'm being honest.

So hiccup, please always remember me even if I'm not there.

I know, we'll meet someday in Valhalla but I need you happy so move on from me. Have Children which could be your right hand when you grow older. But remember a glimpse of me.

Everything is caused by reasons and I'm gone for good.


Sincerely yours

Astrid Hofferson.


Astrud dies just in case you didn't understand.

I tried to make it emotional but I know, I failed miserly.

But if it made your face turn into a sad look or it made you sad then let me know but commenting.

Bye for now

Love you all chocolates  🍫🍫


Love  Ariana ❤❤

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