Best Mistake

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Just after some months from the war with drago!

No ones pov

It was a fine and sunny but chilly and cold weather at the Isle of berk. Most of the people were roaming and walking around with their loved ones and some were working removing the ice.

There was a crowd at the street with peaple selling and buying stuff while one beautiful face and body was making her way to the familiar forge.

She was walking  straight and normally but sexily at the same time with a small smile plastered on her face.

Astrid knocked on the door slightly but opened afterward, only to see an auburn male working there with his drawing and plans for improving berk.

"Hey,Dork?" She asked tilting her head to the side slightly.

But no reply made the smile replace by a frown,she went near him and shook him to snap him out of his daydream.

He shook his head messing his already messy hair and opening his emerald eyes fully.

He said completely surprised with her presence.

"Hey,hiccup,you didn't notice me?"

She asked worried with his behaviour.

It had been months since they had a real talk or went to the date or shared any romance. (I don't mean something dark,just simple kisses or romantic gestures!).

He was always busy and never had 3 minutes free to talk to someone.

"Yeah but Astrid, you see I've got this work and I would appreciate if you give me sometime to myself",

This made her frown twist into a deep glare and she just smacked her hand on the nearest table which caused the things placed in it to bounce.

"What the fuck do you mean by leave?"

She asked infuriated.(Someone is playing "Focus" by Ariana grande my Queen outside!).

He scratched the back of his head and started to sweat.

"I....umm. .am.....busy!"

He said as his knees started to shake obviously becouse you can't mess with the Fearless Hofferson.

She bit her upper lip to control her anger and not do anything off the limit like chopping his head off or breaking his bones.

She gripped on her axe handle so tightly that her knucked turned white.

"What the heck!  Busy,busy,busy! That what I've been hearing from the time you became chief. I'm so sick of this same old love!..Hiccup it's not that you don't get free time,you do but you spend this precious time in goofing around with toothless and completing the map...hiccup I'm not doubting were a"

But he cutted her in the middle,

"Stop! Just stop! What in the world are you talking about? I'm the chief and the dragon master, I've got to look after the whole village! I'm not the fool! You can't always boss around! Being a chief doesn't mean being a fucking second-in-command and take care of stupid children, being a chief means take care of a hundred people! Why are you getting jealous of a fucking dragon! Don't forget they saved you when you were about to die!.."

But then his glare turned into a regret face seeing the look on her face,her lips were trembling and her eyes were full of tears while her palms were quivering.

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