Morning Beauty

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Sorry guys! i know its been long but i am in college and preparing for my medical college,i am also studying really hard so i can study in USA by scholarship and its been alot of time since i wrote a chap so please ignore the mistakes

No ones POV

It was early in the morning,terrible terrors were singing in the rooftop. The village known as Berk was quite and peaceful. The Sun wasnt high. This lead to one significant and the largest house in Berk which belonged to chief and his wife and his parents. The chief was wide awake but his wife wasnt which was unusual.

Usually,Astrid was up before the creek of dawn,practicing with her dear dragon. With or without weapon,in the air and the ground. No doubt,she was the most fearless and strong,the most most toughest valkyrie of the archipelago.She would come back after the sun started rising and then wake her lover and help her in laws in breakfast then get busy in her own chores as a chieftess and a leader of Berks defending team. She was a warrior indeed.

The sunlight was creeping through the curtains and into the platinum beautys face. Her face,Oh her face. Her pretty face was glistening in the sunlight. Her closed eyelids and long eyelashes worked their magic. Her highly kissable cheeks pink and her rosy lips sparkling like someone had poured the dewdrops on them. Her platinum long blonde hair shining due to the light which swayed on her bare shoulders.

The cheif  was wide awake and it was late because he had to start his day. But he didnt care,he was busy,lost in his lovers beauty. He took a deep breath,admiring her even though he had explored every inch of her body, it was mapped in his mind. 

She stirred and then slowly opened her eyes,but then covered them with her hands blocking the sunlight. Hicccup quickly covered her face by getting infront of her and his back blocking the sunlight.She smiled seeing her most dearest thing in front of her. It felt like a fantasy,her love for him felt like a fairytale. 

Hiccup ducked down and kissed her nose softly. His face traveled down giving her a tale of kisses til he reached her neck,her visible vains and bones but she wriggled under his touch and got out of his grasp. She stood up and stratched. Her divine body in nothing except her undergarments and Hiccups shirt. When she streched,her abs too moved. Her body was holy. The prettest and hottest in the whole archipelago. Tall,slender and toned. 

Hiccup gasped and gulped. His eyes had been blessed. He still pinched himself to this day to see if he is dreaming or is this reality. Astrid pulled her long hair into a bun quickly and in process,she felt nausea. She rushed to the washroom and started throwing up.Hiccup quickly followed her and ran his hands behind her back she threw up. His brows knitting together and his face dropped due to worry.

"Are you okay? Of coarse you are not! Lets take you to Gothi. Cmon" Hiccup grabbed her hand and dragged her downstairs.

"Im okay. You dont have to worry.Im fine."Astrid assured him.

"Are you crazy,you are throwing up and youre okay?"Hiccup exclaimed a bit mad.

In the whole process,Valka came up.

"Whats the issue about?" She asked.

"Mom,Astrid is throwing up and she says shes fine!" Hiccup replied looking at Astrid.

'I swear im fine. He is being dramatic!" Astrid defended herself.

"hmm he is right. Lets take you to Gothi." Valka decided.


"Congratulations Hiccup! You are about to become a daddy!" Gober broke down the news for hiccup who was left speechless. His eyes wide like saucer and his mouth hung open.


Well thats it. Pretty non sense and plotless shot but i wanted to update. My writing got soo slower and rusty. But please please comment cuz those comments make my day and make me sooo happy. Anyways was pretty busy,Mom took my phone so yeah. Pray for me so that i can achieve what i am working so hard for. 

Love you chocolates!!! 

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