Your The Best Thing That Ever Happened To Me

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This one-shot is from my own experience and this is kinda like the detail word to word of the day Naill asked me out! Enjoy!

Astrid pov

It was sunny afternoon of Saturday,the day where my parents and I would go to my grandma house and spent some time with my aunts and uncles and grandparents.

It was am sunny afternoon so I decided to wear a black-revealing flora black dress and high heels. I weared my thigh-length long blonde hair in a ponytail which was reaching almost my mid-thigh.

I weared a black-eyeliner and mascara which wasn't needed though cause my eyelashes are already extremely long. I also weared a watch which matched my dress and weared the pendant and earrings.

"Are you ready? We are already late!"

My mom's voice echoed through my room. I sighed and went downstairs.

"Hey,mom,I'm ready!"

I told her,a bored look plastered on my face just to see her still wearing her jewellery. My eyes caught my dad who was polishing his black shoes.

I knew they would take time so I jumped into the couch and switched the TV on.

"Why did you called me when you still weren't ready? All of my cousins would've reached except for us! Thor, I even forgot my phone and wallet in my room!"

I whined still not taking my eyes away from TV but my voice reached their room.

"What,we are ready,we were just waiting for you! "
"But I'm here!"

I huffed in annoyance and stood up. I climbed the stairs feeling a little bit uncomfortable with high heels.

I opened the door,grabbed my wallet and phone,stuffed it in wallet and closed the door of my room and went back in the living room.

Thankfully,they were ready so I just grabbed out house key and stuffed it my wallet as per my duty.

"Alright! Now take the car out if the parking lot and park it on the road."

Dad commanded me so I took the car's key and did so.

Skip the remaining scene

We were playing truth and dare. All of us as in my cousin group of 15. We were curiously waiting for the bottle to point and it stopped at hiccup. The limelight of our family,the most richest cousin.

"Truth! "

He spoke way sooner than we would ask. I know he chose truth becouse he's familiar with all the dares we would give him.

"Alright,do you have a crush? "

I asked out of the blue while everyone nodded in approvement.

"I don't have a crush, I'm on love and madly in love!"

He said being helpless romantic while he just stood up and went to the garden leaving us on shock and confusion.

"But you still haven't told is your lovers name."

Alisha yelled after him while he waved his hand,signalling is that he'll be back.

After a while,he came back with a beautiful fresh red rose.


Ryan said grinning.

He stood on his one-knee and pointed the rose toward me making me raise my eye-brow at him.

"Astrid Hofferson,will you do the honour of being my girlfriend. I love you so much!  Don't say no becouse i will die. I promise you I will never ever hurt you. I know it's rushed and all but I tried telling you several times but you always take it as a joke! Please?"

I went wide eyed and placed my hand on my mouth. My best hung stopped and my heart started to pound faster.
"I thought you like wanisa?"

I a manged the words through my beating heart.

"Of coarse not!"

He said with hope and happiness in his eyes. I had never been in a relationship before and this hiccup asked me out!

"I will answer you tomorrow............on phone!"

I said and ran away leaving everyone in shock.


I was a nervous wreck. I couldn't sleep last night and the scene of him repeated in my mind. I had also never been on a relationship measly becouse of my parents and studies. This was the most sensitive topic for me so unable to ask anyone,I just posted the chapter of me asking for help and advice in wattpad. At least my net friends and followers can help me.

After like 3 hours,I read their advices and almost all of them just told me to say yes. They are the best followers and friends you can ask for.

'I've been here all night,I've been here all day' my phone rang. I picked it up and saw the caller name.

'Hiccup'. I sighed uncomfortably,I was still not sure what to do since I wasn't convinced yet but decided to pick up.

"Hello Ari! Why have you not been picking my phone? I was worried sick!"

He said with worry written in his voice.

"I'm sorry,my phone was dead and I was just thinking!"

I replied even though my phone wasn't dead. I lied to him,almost the half.

"Alright! What. ...what's the answer?"

He asked,his voice showed fear.

"I...don't know,I never ever experienced being someone's girlfriend and this type of situation."

I blurted out the truth.

"You don't have to think,I swear I love you so much,and I won't make you feel like new! I will make your life so happy,you wouldn't be distracted!"

"I know but alright yes,I can be your girlfriend are you...umm. ..we are gonna tell our parents?"

I asked him but suddenly,my heart started doing some kind of flips and butterfly's in my stomach.

"Don't worry,our parents already know about this! Remember the day I asked you,my dad and I discussed about this and he told your dad and he kind of agreed!"

Without thinking,i jumped up and down happily, giggling.

"Alright I'll pick you up today at 6 pm."

He said and hung up.

This is the best thing that ever happened to me.


Done! This is what actually happened to me! Except Astrid is taking my place and Hiccup is taking Naill place and I'm 14 and he is 15 while Astrid is 18 and hiccup is 19!

I won't be online since we are leaving the city for my uncles wedding today so yeah


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