Can't turn back now, I'm haunted

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Adam's: POV

When I came home pushed Alexandra up me against the wall. "Are you happy now?" she asked coldly. I looked confused at her. "Charlie saw how you drank blood from a human." she said. "I just pretend to be an evil vampire, and I don't want to think about what Sauli will do if he find out." I replied. "If you say so!" said Alexandra, and sat me down on the floor again.

"Adam, you are home!" replied Thomas happily, and hugged me. "I'm home!" I said softly, and kissed his nose. "Charlie is in his room!" he replied and gave me a quick kiss.

I went in, and sat down next to him. "I pretend to be evil to protect you and Thomas." I said. "Have you ever turn off your humanity?" asked Charlie gently. "Yes I have, and I will never do it again." I said. "You're still my dad!" replied Charlie, and gave me a hug. "I don't let anything bad happen to you." I whispered.

Charlie's: POV

"What are we doing here in nowhere?" I asked confused. "This isn't nowhere, this was my brother and Adam's house." explained Alexandra. I looked the house that was abandoned, and the colors had flaked away. (The picture above shall imagine Adam and Thomas's house before it was abandoned, that they got as a wedding present) "Come now!" she said, and walked inside.

"I don't like this!" I replied, with a shudder. "I tried to remember what, really happened that night 148 years ago." said Alexandra and picked up a photo of her and Thomas. "It must have, been wonderful to live at that time." I replied with a smile. "It really was!" she said, and sighed.

Suddenly came two persons in and they looked at us. "Leila and Neil, what an pleasure surprise." said Alexandra happily. "It was Sauli who killed you and your brother, he wanted Adam for himself." replied Neil. "How do you know my dad?" I asked confused. "Adam was our eldest son, I'm your grandmother and Neil is your uncle." explained Leila.

"Dad has never tell me about his family!" I said. "I don't think he wants to tell his son how he cold-bloodedly murdered his entire family." replied Neil coldly.

The knees buckled under me, and my head began to spin. "Please let me forget, I do not want to remember my family and what they are." I begged, before everything went black.

No Charlie, it's not a good idea to forget everything, you know your family loves you. I hope you liked this chapter.


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