Don't you worry child

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Adam's: POV


The 11th of June, year 1933 London

Although my humanity was off, I still cared about children, and wanted them to feel good. One day a little girl with curly red hair sat on the ground, and cried. "Why are you sad?" I asked gently, and sat down next to her. "I'm afraid that no one wants me." she sobbed. "Don't say that, I'm sure a family will take care of you." I said softly. "My name is Annie!" she replied, and smiled. "It's a pleasure to meet you, my name is Adam." I said. "Annie, dinner." called a woman. She waved goodbye, and walked into the house.

Later in the evening, I had just finished my meal, when I felt the smell of smoke in the air. I followed the scent, and gasped when I arrived. The entire orphanage was in flames and, black smoke came out through the windows. I looked desperately for Annie, but couldn't see her anywhere. A man stopped me, when I went up to the door. "You can not go in there, you will die." he said. "I'm already dead!" I replied silent, and rushed in.

It was burning everywhere, and thick toxic smoke hung in the air. I called after her, but got no answer. But suddenly, I heard a familiar cry upstairs. When I came into a room, I saw Annie, and she was very scared. "Adam!" she said. "Shhh honey, everything will be fine." I replied calmly, and lifted up in my arms.  But the fire blocked the way out, and smoke started coming into the room. I walked to the window, and stood on the windowsill.

"We'll survive, but you have to trust me." I said. "I trust you!" repiled Annie. I held her close to me, and jumped from the third floor. I landed softly on the ground and we hurried, away from the building. "Thank you so much, you are a hero." said the woman, who owned the orphanage. "I could not let her die." I replied. "She fell asleep after dinner and I did not want to wake her, if you hadn't come." she said, and her voice broke. "I don't blame you!" I replied calmly.

The orphanage could not be saved, but they could move into another house, and the woman named Marie adopted Annie as her own child. I was glad she had got a family, and I visited her a few times, before I left London to discover new countries, but I will always remember her.

-End of the flashback-

Aww, Adam was really a hero for Annie. I hope you liked this chapter.


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