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Harry mumbles curses under his breath as he starts the car and backs out of the driveway.

"Is something wrong?" I speak up.

"Louis is a dick," Harry says.

"You've made that clear."

Harry sighs. "I'm sorry," he says, his gaze softening. "Let's just...not talk about him, alright?"


We soon arrive at the bookstore. Liam meets us on our way in and on his way out.

"Evening, Blair," he says kindly, a smile on his face. He nods to Harry. "I see you're on your way to work the night shift."

I nod. "Wish me luck," I say.

Liam laughs. "If you need company, I'm just a phone call away." He smiles again before excusing himself to his car.

Harry follows me inside. 

"Looks like Shawn's already left," I say, checking the office. "I guess it's just you and--"

I stop when I see the look on Harry's face. 

"What?" I ask him.

"Company?" He hisses. "He wants to be your company?"

I roll my eyes. "Don't do this," I say, grabbing a stack of books from the desk. I start alphabetizing them, Harry following me every step.

"Do what?" He asks.

"Be jealous. You don't have a reason to."

"He's just your type, Blair. Smart and literary and shit."

"Harry, I worked with him months before we got together. If I wanted to be with him, I would have by now." I slide a book onto its shelf.

"That's bullshit."

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah. I see how you flirt with one another."


"Yeah, you're always laughing at the shitty jokes you two make."

"Liam's my friend."

"Seems like he wants to be your friend with benefits."

I snort. "Now you're talking crazy."

"No I'm fucking not." Harry's voice is angry and cold.

"Yes, you are and you know it. Now, stop acting like a child." I turn to put another book away when Harry grabs my arm, causing me to drop the stack of books in my arms. They go everywhere, flying open and their pages fanning out.

"Look what you've done," I snap. "Now you're really making me mad." I wrench my arm away from him and bend down to pick up the books, making sure they aren't damaged.

Harry doesn't say anything or try to help as I reassemble the stack of books. He stands with his arms crossed, watching me as I return to my full height, the books neatly re-stacked in my arms. I glare at him and turn around to finish putting them away.

I continue alphabetizing the books until I'm down to one. I turn to Harry and shove it into his arms. "This is a good one," I say coldly. "Read it."

Harry looks down. "Matched?" He reads the title. "Sounds like girly shit."

"You will fucking read it and you will like it," I snap, turning to go back to the register. It bothers me how Harry is worried about Liam and I. Liam has been my friend for months and he's never cared. Until now.

Lights (2013)Where stories live. Discover now