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Hiii wattpaders, new chapter like I promised. If we get 5 votes for this chapter, I would post 2 more chapters this week.

Enjoy the story!!

Marshal stepped out of the airplane, with sleepy eyes. He had slept throughout the flight. Luckily for him, there had been no nightmares today.

Seems the nightmares were scared of flying, he thought with a smirk.

He was led through the tunnel by a bunch of security officers all wearing name tags. One of the tags read Drinkwater. Marshal rolled his eyes, the names parents give their children these days he thought walking towards the exit of the tunnel. His eyes light up as he saw the closest thing he had to a best friend; Stacy Mark standing looking at her time. She looked up and heaved a sigh of relief.

'Well it's about time' she said reaching out to give him a hug
To remain or to go
Thoughts drizzling down my brain, beckoning me
Forcing me to make a cold decision
A sad, mean decision
Ana paused and thought a little looking back at the paper. Writing poems was her favorite hobby but these days, it seems like a big ice has been put into her brain and the ice had just refused to melt.

'Looks like you're stuck once again'

She looked up to see Wellis looking down at her with a smirk on his face.

'Won't be down for long though, I just need a little time'.

Wellis took a seat next to her in the shop, 'are you sure that Marshal didn't steal the remaining lobe of your brain' .

'Don't remind me of that guy' Ana said rolling her eyes.

'You seem to like him', Wellis turned to look at her with mischief in his eyes.

Ana brought her hands forward and touched his forehead and quickly withdrew her hands like she has been pricked.

'You have a fever, no wonder your brain is functioning half-hazard' she said, her voice full of sarcasm.

The amused mischievous look on his face disappeared.

'You always have to spoil the fun'.

Ana smiled and with what or rather who she saw approaching her, she was sure her day was going to keep on getting better and better.

'Why are you smiling like that?' Wellis asked with suspicion all over his voice. But Ana just kept on smiling the same way she would smile when she sees a bucket of ice cream.

'Hi Wellis', Wellis turned and Ana saw his ears turn red; an indication that his face was as red as tomatoes.

'Err...Hi Jessica' He said stuttering.

Ana put her hands behind her head, relaxed on her chair and took in the whole scene, the only thing missing was the delicious pancakes that Wellis' mom usually makes, still though, this episode of her best friend life never gets old.


I kept on staring at her wonderful face, it seemed like an angel had left me a gift and I had finally seen it. I was in wonderland staring deeply into her brown eyes that shone when it reflects in the sunlight.

'Uhmm, is there something wrong with my shirt? 'She asked me worried. That was when I realized I had been staring at her like a complete idiot.

'Oh...no no no, your shirt is perfect, exquisite, unblemished and eve...' I said sounding more like a dictionary than a normal sane human. The look on Jessica face showed she was confused, so at this point I decided to shut up.

'Okayyy, uhmm Ana do you have any of your spare axe for hire, mine kinda got spoilt' Jessica spoke directly to Ana. I knew this but my mouth had betrayed me like Judas betrayed Jesus.

'Of course we do, I think its right here'. Of course my legs were in collaboration with my mouth and the coup was progressing smoothly. I stood up and hurried to the back avoiding Ana's face to search for an axe. I prayed to the heavens that at least there should be one axe left to save me from adding another embarrassment to my long list. And of course life in its cruelty gave me an answer; there was no trace of an axe anywhere. I bet life is laughing at me right now.

I hurried out and in the process, my trousers got stuck to a protruding nail and with the force in which I was moving, all I heard were the shreds ripping and then I felt the gentle air on the skin of my thighs. I closed my eyes and tried to remember the color of underwear I wore, but I could not remember. I looked and to greatest dismay, it was the underwear with a big long yellow line made when oil poured on it.

The look on Jessica's face was a horrid one worthy of a horror movie as she tried to take in the precarious situation.

'Thanks Ana, err I think I'll be over there in my shop.' She said hurriedly before practically running out of the shop, just in time for Ana to burst out laughing.

'This is one of the major reasons am best friends with you, just epic'. She said cleaning the tears from her eyes.

'I love you David Wellis' she said mouthing kisses to me.

'Oh, shut up!'
I got home after a long day filled with misery and embarrassment. I open the doors slowly so as not to wake my mom, my dad probably wasn't back as usual.

I walked straight to the sitting room and switched on the lights to see an aging man sitting like he owned our sitting room. He has thick mustache, I wondered if he ever trimmed it. His eyes looked cold and calculating, his jaw set. He looked like an older version of Jack the Ripper.

In his hands, he held a cigar...the biggest I had seen in my life, I wonder how it fit into his mouth.

'Who are you? I asked my voice slightly raised. My mind was already thinking of the nearest form of protection I could use if he jumped at me.

The man took another puff of his cigar and spoke, 'you can call me Mr. Stones and I am here, Mr. David Wellis to make you a deal you cannot refuse.'

What on earth could be the deal?
Am itching to find out..are you?

Like I said if we can get 5 votes, would post new chapters on Friday and Saturday.


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