what he does to get your attention |b|

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g r a y s o n :

Usually Grayson takes your phone away from you because that's the reason you aren't paying his attention. When you lean across him to get it he'll pull you on top of him, tickling and kissing you relentlessly.

Other times he'll bribe you, usually with food, kisses or 'tumblr dates' - as you call them - before he comes up with an offer that you don't have the will power to refuse.

e t h a n :

Usually Ethan attacks you, gently of course. He'll push you onto the bed or couch and hover over you. He tickles you until you turn red and promise that you'll pay him more attention.
Other times he'll kiss you, completely unexpectedly. It takes your mind off of what you were doing, putting you in a daze that makes you forget everything you were doing, giving him your undivided attention.

I know it's been a while, soz gals, lyl. Leave comments (requests) on what imagine/preference I should do next.

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