Essie Hopper (A)

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[fandom] Harry Potter
[name] Essie Hopper Love the name
[nicknames] Ness (from her family), Hops (from her close friends)

[age] 14 so the book starts in her third year? cool

[gender] female [sexuality] heterosexual okay

[blood-status] muggle-born [wand] The wand is made of rowan and has a core of phoenix feather. It is 12 and 1/2 inches long and is supple. It is very lightly coloured and is roughly carved with some small patterned leaves swirling up and down the wand (which she carved by herself). How can she carve it if she's muggle born (assuming she got it in her first year.)

[height] 5'8 [house] Hufflepuff Hufflepuff pride <3 it's good to have an OC in Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw because not many people do that.

[personality] Serious, quiet, with loner tendencies. Enjoys solitude and tends to sit back and observe. Private, rarely talks about their feelings. Can be insensitive to the hardships of others. A planner. Well-organized and hard-working. Works steadily towards identified goals. Focused, with well-developed powers of concentration. Will usually accomplish any task once they have set their mind to it. Definitely sounds like a Hufflepuff good job.

[eye colour] hazel-blue 

[hair colour] Dark Mocha

I have actually never seen a character with that color hair and eyes. 

[looks like] Miranda Cosgrove Cool 

[relationships] Essie has friends from each house; Harriet Pebble (Ravenclaw). Charles Lambert (Hufflepuff). Sean Boyer (Slytherin) and Elaine Hopkins (Gryffindor). They spend most of their free time together, Harriet Pebble is the Drama of the group and Sean is sometimes referenced as the pillar that stops them from falling. Essie is the planner and loyal person and Charles is the quiet part of the group.

I like that her friends are spread out throughout the houses and not all girls. Just be careful because it sounded like she was kinda antisocial.

[family] Essie has a family with two lesbian parents (both who are African-British) and two adoptive sisters and two brothers. She is usually the one with the weird stories and always sparking up with imagination. That's cool and sounds really fun to read

[history] When Essie was adopted by The Hopper Family down in England, her real parents were muggles living in the border between Scotland and England, she was sent to an orphanage in England when she was 2 years old. She couldn't remember what her parents look like, and she didn't know that she was a witch until her 11th birthday on June 9th 1990. Her adoptive parents were shocked that she was the only witch in the family. So, she went to Hogwarts glad that her adoptive parents had enough money to let her go and that her real parents left her some money at Gringotts.

 Essie went to Hogwarts and met Kaden Walters while they were ascending the huge staircase, when her name was called by Professor McGonagall she was scared: Which house will she be in? 

'HUFFLEPUFF!'And she never thought she could smile the happiest smile. Wow

[quotes] ''If there were no mistakes, we wouldn't learn anything new.'' '

'Life isn't a game, your imagination is.'' 

''I dream my painting then I paint my dream...'' 

''The world is already broken, but you can choose to fix it.'' 

[crush] Benjamin Kirkland (Wizard OC)

[love interest] Martin Winters (Muggle OC) It's cool that he's a muggle

[special quote] ''a single spark can start a prairie fire'' Did you make up these quotes because there really good.

Thank you!

This is really good and sounds really interesting to read. You might want to go back and add a backstory of how she was able to carve her own wand if she's a muggle-born.

Mary Sue rating:0% 

Interest Rate: 100% 

Overall Grade: 90% 

Statement:"Hello, I'm not a Mary Sue"

 Admin: Peggy

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