Lilliana Shore [A-]

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Name: Lilliana Shore
Age: 14
Looks: 5"4, Caucasian, long brown hair and hazel eyes, tan skin. Always looks like she is angry(which she is)
Pretty average looking. lol.
Personality: outspoken, angry. Bitter, since  she wants to be a world leader, but knows she never can as a woman. She is not afraid to speak her mind and shouts at people when's she frustrated. Not accepted by others who believe that girls, especially girls her age should be seen and not heard. She has not ever had crushes since she thinks that men think she is below them. She thinks she is better than everyone else.
Could this be a.....HAMILTON OC
Backstory: her father is a wealthy merchant in New York, and her mother does nothing because sexism. She doesn't care for them much, since she hates sewing, cooking, and things that don't involve trying to take convince everyone that she is right and they are all wrong.
YES YES YES. ok first off, PREACH, and also, I love that this is Hamilton yet it also addresses how much women struggled.
Friends: she has one friend names Charlotte, who is a lot more shy than her.
I like the diversity.
Enemies: most politicians hate her, because she is know to run on stage during their speeches and talk over them. She has done this to Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr.
ok so I'm so excited that this is a Hamilton OC. WE NEED MORE HAMILTON REQUESTS PEOPLE. PLEASE👏🏼👏🏼

Mary-Sue:6% I feel like I didn't gain much about her from this
Originality: 99% ugh I love her. like HAMILTON AND FEMINIST WERK!
interest: 100% please write this
statement: *tries to pick one Hamilton reference but can't bc there are too many* There's nothing rich folks love more than going downtown and slummin' it with the poor
Admin: Eliza💖

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