Adeline Spencer Kelley (B)

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"It's me again lol ( I've got a lot of stories going on, sorry to bother you again)
It's cool fam
Fandom: Harry Potter
Name: Adeline Spencer Kelley (goes by Spencer)  cool name
Age: fifteen at the beginning of the book
Okay. So it starts in fifth year
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Gay
Appearance: Basically Vanessa Marano with short, dyed blond hair. She has an average body type, leaning towards chubby and she's short (like 5'3")
That's good
Blood status: She , her mother is a muggle born and her father is a halfblood.
Hogwarts house: Gryffindor
Personality: A little wild with a disregard for the rules, often is blind to how her actions effect other's  lives, very impulsive (she prefers "spontaneous") she is  obsessive about things that interest her, gets bored easily without something to occupy her, finds it hard to connect with other people but when she does it's in a very deep, powerful way.
She seems like every other Gryffindor
Wand: dogwood with dragon heartstring, sturdy and not very decorative with only some simple rings carved around the part where she holds it.
That goes with the Gryffindor thing
Patronous: Fox
Literally everyone has a fox patronus
Backstory: Her parents only dated for several months and they broke up before her mother (named Delia Hutchinson) was aware she was pregnant, her mother only told her father (named Henry Kelley) about her shortly after she was born. Spencer's parents did not get back together but they remained friends and she split her time between the two of them, spending the fall and winter months in England with Delia who was a writer for "The Daily Prophet" and the spring and summer months with Henry in Romania where he studied dragons until she turned eleven and started at Hogwarts, spending all of her holidays with her mother and only seeing her father on the rare occasions he visited. That was a really long sentence. I like the backstory thoughDelia married a man named Charles Murphy when she was in her third year and is currently pregnant with her second child. Wow
Strengths: Very talented at charms, very funny and able to take (and make) jokes about herself, fiercely protective of her loved ones.
Yeah okay
"(Part two)
Weaknesses: Sometimes has a hard time focusing, cracks easily in stressful situations, lets her emotions get in the way of what's right, dreadful at potions and herbology.
Sounds like a basic Gryffindor
Powers: Average witch powers but as I mentioned before she has a knack for charms.
Overall, she wasn't at all a Mary Sue at all. She was kind of a basic Gryffindor. There wasn't anything special about her. Add something to her to interest readers, something unique
Mary Sue Rating: 0%
Interest Grade: 50%
Originality Rating: 50%
Statement: *roblox death sound*
Admin: Angelica

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